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Who likes pink?


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Well, according to EMI, guybrush doesn't, but does anyone else know that his dislike of the colour doesn't further back than most would realise.


In re-playing MI2, I found a book in the library to confirm this. As most know, in order to progress in MI2, you need a random book from the library (i'm trying not to spoil the game for those who haven't played it) and this book can be any of your choice.


Now, every time I replay MI2, I always like to choose another book from what I chose before and get Guybrush's insight into it. And as you know, each book has it's own dialogue from Guybrush.


Now i can't remember the name, but it's in the M section and it's to do with martial arts and when I got it and Guybrush looked at it, he say's something along the lines of "Hey! This guys only on a pink belt!"


Cool huh? well, I thought it was.


So, any other book lines from the library that people would like to share?

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