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VH_FIGHTER type with rider?


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I've just started modelling and have gotten a vehicle model ingame ready to get all the tags lined up, lol.

I've used Duncan's excellent vehicle modelling guide as my lead.

Now my question is, is it even possible to create a vehicle of the type "VH_FIGHTER" with the rider actually visible?

I've edited the vehicle's VEH file several times (with or without hideRider at 0) and I've even tried editing Duncan's Stap vehicle file and temporarily tranforming it into a "VH_FIGHTER". But all the time, the rider stayed invisible.


I'm sure the rider bolt in my model is set up OK, because I've tested the model once with the type set to "VH_SWOOP" and there the rider was, all visible 'n stuff....


I hope someone can clarify this situation.



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Ok thanks, so I guess it can't be done.

the idea was to make a jetpack "vehicle" (useable in SP). I'm aware of the SP "boba_fett" cheat (and I know how to use it with whatever model), but models different than the standard boba fett models just don't have the right bolts (jet exhaust, flamethrower) for that kind of thing. So the next most obvious choice seems to be to provide each and every player model with a jetpack and the right tags, lol.

Dunno if I'm gonna do that.


Thanks people!

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All the options don't work for all the vehicles. Such as the rider option being useless for everythign but the speeder class. This is a coding issue. You may want to bring it up to the OJP guys, who have already done some great work with the vehicle code.

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Originally posted by keshire

All the options don't work for all the vehicles. Such as the rider option being useless for everythign but the speeder class. This is a coding issue. You may want to bring it up to the OJP guys, who have already done some great work with the vehicle code.

I think I heard that the OJP team is already taking care of that... or maybe it was another mod.
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