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I've been out of the game for a long time...


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honestly, the best advice i can give is to not even bother :(


i too took a very long break from outcast, and just this week went back to see if i could get back into it. every server ive been to in the last couple days has been filled with lemmings, and people that just ruin the game in general.


the type of people that accept your duel, then red DFA you while you are bowing. or come up onto a platform while you are spectating a battle, and force push you off, or saber you.


its not a problem with the game. its a problem with the quality of players that now over run the game. you are nothing to them but a better score.


its sickening, revolting, and i think all adminless servers should be closed while not attended. this kind of garbage makes me want to puke :(

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Originally posted by beetlebz

the type of people that accept your duel, then red DFA you while you are bowing. or come up onto a platform while you are spectating a battle, and force push you off, or saber you.

Those bastards! Those who try to play the game as it was intended should be banned in favor of those who prefer to stand around and use it as a chat client. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by beetlebz

its not a problem with the game. its a problem with the quality of players that now over run the game.

You got that right.
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While finding a quality server with quality players is always a gamble (as it is in any community) there are definately some out there, this is with ASE:



PS: Of course make sure you have the latest official patch (1.04) as that's what the vast majority of people are using.


As of right now (12:07pm CST):


397 servers, 592 players



The servers hosted by people on the forums generally are of higher quality (in terms of not being slavish to n00by h0n0r c0d3z), such as Amidala's server.

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