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Problem with EFMI in Act III


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I am in the Act 3. When i wake up in the beach i see the bannanas, then i go to take the bannana picker.After picking the bannana picker as i return to the beach the game Stucks.. black screen appears and Not Responds in the Task Manager. This also happens whener i go to anyplace on the map after picking the banana picker..


Help Please..

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Number of things you could try, all of which aren't conclusive answers, but worth a try anyway. The reason I didn't reply before is because I didn't and still don't know a proper solution, but I can at least try and suggest things, so here goes.


First of all, load a previously saved gameans play from there to see if it happens again. If so, either start a new game, or reinstall the game (or both, if the first doesn't work)


Try installing the patch from here as this might help, but I wouldn't count on it. (I'd suggest trying this first before trying everything else)


I hope this helps.

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