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Advanced Baragwin Droid Upgrades are available for download


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From the readme (it's a biggie):


Advanced Baragwin Droid Upgrades by Achilles



Item Properties



*Advanced Blaster Targeting System*


Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2


Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol


Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol


Meant for droids that see regular combat, this targeting unit improves on the basic model and greatly increases battlefield performance.




*Advanced Baragwin Flame Thrower*


Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3


Uses: unlimited


Damage: Heat, 60pts


On Hit: Horror, 100% for 3sec


Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect


Save: DC20 for half damage


Range: Short


Using an innovative technique, the Baragwin have managed to modify their already-enhanced flame thrower to operate in such a fashion as to ignite the very atmosphere around a charged guidance beam. The result is a flame thrower that doesn't need an external fuel source and can be run virtually indefinitely.




*Advanced Baragwin Shield Disruptor*


Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3


Uses: unlimited


Damage: Ion, 40pts


Range: Medium


The Baragwin have tweaked and tuned an enhanced Shield Disruptor to be able to run off the mounting droid's power supply, giving it unlimited charges.




*Advanced Baragwin Stun Ray*


Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3


Uses: unlimited


Damage: None


On Hit: Stun, 100% for 9sec


Save: DC20 to negate stun


Range: Medium


While not the most powerful of weapons, the Baragwin have modified an enhanced Stun Ray to run at such efficiency that it can tap into the power supply of the droid mounting it, giving it unlimited charges.




*Advanced Baragwin Gravity Generator*


Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3


Uses: unlimited


Damage: None


On Hit: Slowed, 100% for 9sec


Save: DC20 to negate slow


This device has been upgraded by the Baragwin in order to create a more powerful gravity swell than the basic unit.




*Advanced Baragwin Droid Shield*


Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3


Uses: unlimited


Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, 50pts total


Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken


A super-efficient version of a normal droid environmental shield, the Advanced Baragwin version has been modified and customized to be able to run off the power supply of the droid mounting it. While the energy drain on the droid is insignificant, the protection gained is equal, if not superior, to a normal light droid environmental shield.




*Baragwin Carbonite Projector*


Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3


Uses: unlimited


Damage: Cold, 40pts


On Hit: Paralyze, 100% for 15sec


Save: DC20 for half damage, paralyze reduced to 9sec


Range: Medium


The inverse of a flamethrower, this weapon uses a carbonite freezing technique to super-cool synthetic compounds hurled at a target. The Baragwin have modified this weapon to be able to run indefinitely on a droid's internal power supply.




Creator's Notes



This mod was created in order to give a little more firepower to the droids, specifically T3-M4.


All items are available in Suvam Tan's merchant inventory after finding the final Star Map, except for the Advanced Blaster Targeting System, which can be purchased after finding the third.




Files Modified



g1_i_drdutldev04 - Advanced Baragwin Flame Thrower


g1_i_drdutldev05 - Advanced Baragwin Stun Ray


g1_i_drdutldev06 - Advanced Baragwin Shield Disruptor


g1_i_drdutldev07 - Baragwin Carbonite Projector


g1_i_drdutldev08 - Advanced Baragwin Gravity Generator


g1_i_drdtrgcom01 - Advanced Blaster Targeting System


g1_i_drdshld002 - Advanced Baragwin Droid Shield


suvam02a.utm - Placeable for Advanced Blaster Targeting System


suvam02a.utm - Placeable for all other items


A .kmm file in included in the download to help with installation/removal.

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