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Vehicles with "attack" animations (unmodded gameplay)?


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Back with another vehicle question, I was wondering if it's possible to make a vehicle that's got "attack animations". I've basicly got a vehicle with barrels that are supposed to retract when firing. The animation is already working in modview an I've named it "BOTH_ATTACK1, BOTH_ATTACK2, ect.." in the animations.cfg file, and I was wondering how to make them work ingame. To be more specific I would like to get this to work without using the OJP thing and in SP, if at all possible.


On a sidenote, I was wondering if anyone experienced with vehicle modding knows why the standard x-wing and atst_vehicle (VH_FIGHTER, VH_WALKER) aren't able to fire their weapons in SP? The same thing happens to one of my models (when used as VH_FIGHTER or VH_WALKER), although I have been able to create a firing VH_WALKER with another one of my models...


I'm looking forward to any replies!

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Thanks man!


Any idea about how I'm supposed to name those anims? Based on the tauntaun/rancor vehicles I've tried BOTH_VT_ATB and BOTH_VT_ATTACK# with no results


btw thanks to Keshire for those model packs at lucasfiles I just found out about. I'm definately going to mess around with those once I get me a 3dm upgrade!

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Ok I've given up on those anims too...


This latest vehicle idea seems to be getting less and less viable in unmodded gameplay, so I won't be releasing this as a seperate mod (but as a feature of a bigger thing).


For people interested in a "good" idea for mp or OJP, I'm currently trying to create some "turrets" in order to make it possible to spawn in the ion cannon, e-web, emplaced rifle(s), hoth turret, laser cannon in any map. Unmoveable (speed, etc 0.01) vehicles seemed the way to go, but since the aim of the only vehicle class that really works in SP (VH_SPEEDER) is rather limited, they make for some crappy turrets.


For people interested in sp vehicle possibilties, some info;

the general rule; If you haven't driven it in the SP game, It won't work how it's supposed to.

Test have shown this. VH_SPEEDER vehicles and VH_ANIMAL vehicles work OK for the functionality you'd expect. VH_FIGHTER vehicles fly but won't fire, ever. VH_WALKER vehicles will walk, but aiming down for example will plainly tilt the entire vehicle. VH_WALKER vehicles will fire, but only if you've ridden a working (VH_SPEEDER) type vehicle before, weird but true.


Note that the ATST vehicle simply hasn't got any muzzle tags, causing it to malfunction in SP. I've done some hex-editing of the original vehicle file to fix that, but soon bumped on the VH_WALKER's limitations. I tried converting the vehicle to a VH_ANIMAL and early results gave me a vehicle where the rider keeps falling of and that's firing all the time, although it's not unlikely that those bugs can be fixed...


I'm still trying though...

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thanks for another pointer,


I'll check out OJP a little better tomorrow because it seems a bit too vast to take in right now and I don't know if it's got what I'm looking for (sp-wise) and to what degree. I'm sure the moviebattles' thing is some impressive work, but it's not what I'm looking for right now.


So far, the vehicles (fighters mainly) thing looks like the first thing I can't fix or work around for for default SP.


As for the rest I've scrapped the emplaced guns idea and done the e-web with a snowtrooper dummy included since the driver animations don't seem to work.


Yet another thanks for the support.

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