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PS2 Info, Chat, and Questions

Blobber Fett

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I've started this thread in a hope to get people who use PS2 some answers and like minded chat area.


There are alot of PC users already on these forums due to previous games and alot of info really relates to PC versions of the game.


As for PS2, I havn't found much that relates to us.


Q's that are being asked;


1. will there be dedicated servers for PS2 for upto 16 players or will this be something we will have to pay for ourselves?

(as in Australia we can only get 512 upload = 8 players)


2. Can PS2 play along side with PC via GameSpy in

PC dedicated servers


I have had the game for over 1 week now and know a fair bit so far so shoot if ya want any answers, other than that we will have to search or hope.



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I hear rumours that the dedicated files were released today for PC and PS2 and that dedicated servers will be up and running soon, this will enable us PS2'ers to play in 16 player rooms.


As us in Aust can only get max 512 upload, we will be at the mercy of the Staes and Europe guys doing all the work.

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I will be getting the PS2 version of the game today after school (Im writing this in Computer Programming class, lol), but I do have the dedicated server on my home PC now. It gives you the ability to host a 16 player room and keep it running even if you leave. I will look for a tunneling program and hopefully use the server I have to creat a 32 player LAN and tunnel it so that anyone can play in it. Ill tell you guys about the game this afternoon, I will type up a PS2 review for you. Good to know there are other PS2 gamers here.

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I have a question regarding the ps2 online play for SWBF.


Is it set up anything like socom where if my friends are in a game, I can go to that room and join it as long as it's not full? Can I create my own room?


I'm confused with all this dedicated server stuff. I only play the games, don't get into how they work online.


Anybody out there that can answer me? Thanks in advance

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I did read that thread but it was stuff that seemed to be pc based and I wasn't sure what it all meant. I started this post because I didn't think anyone would see a ps2 post there. Sorry dewds...my bad!


Thanks for the info but I do have another question.


Can I download that server file and just open it and it will do all the work? Anyone have instructions on how to use that file posted?

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Call me a noob, but what is progressive scan?


Progressive scan refers to the rate at which your TV monitor/screen reads information. Without getting too technical, a progressive scan monitor will be sharper than one that isn't. So it's in the telly, not the game. Although I guess some games do support it. Perhaps others here can speak to that.

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Originally posted by Vykaro

Hey all, probably something really easy but i can't seem to be anything but imperial so far. Any help on how to pick what faction would be great :)

I'm getting it for PS2 later on tonight, but i've already played it at my friend house on X-box...put that gun away. It just depends which match you do. If you do Galactic Conquest and Historic Campaign, it depends on which Era you chose. If you chose the Clone Wars Era on Historic Campaign, it autimatically makes you The Separatists (CIS in game) for the first 3 battles. On the 4th you should be able to switch.Probably the same problem your having except different timelines.:DHope that helps.

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Originally posted by FREAKA

I have a question regarding the ps2 online play for SWBF.


Is it set up anything like socom where if my friends are in a game, I can go to that room and join it as long as it's not full? Can I create my own room?


You can join a room....doesn't matter if your friends are in it or not, and from what I've heard, its OPEN mic...

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Patch already? I have too much room on my memory card lol so while the memory card options show up I will talk about the game. ITS AWSOME! I have never seen such good graphics for the PS2. In Kamino, the coridoors reflect the ceiling and you can see watery footprints as you step. Very detailed. Ill update more later, iv gotta make some more room for the patch.

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Thanks Mango Fett! I think they are pretty closely linked as far as the x box and ps 2. I goofed with it a bit and found exactly what you described. I did not get deep into the original missions where they start you out imp but i may try it tonight. Did they other options and could choose depending on which time era. Very fun game!!! Only thing i was hoping is you could pick a character type and run with it through the game and build yourself up. I guess i had different expectations how the game would be but the more i play it the more i get used to it and enjoy the set up. Thanks again man

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