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WIP: Sonic CD: Palmtree Panic


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This map is about the Palmtree Panic level in Sonic CD. It includes three time periods, the Past, Present, and Future. The textures are somewhat similar, but they are all quite different! When you walk on the dirt, you leave footprints and walking on the grass makes "grassy" sounds. It also has functional springs, but they don't make sounds yet. I'm definitely not done with the future though, it's pretty bland now. I didn't do a compile with Light, so don't worry about the horrible lack of shadows. ;)









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I'd hardly say it was bland. In fact, the amount of colour coming off it is searing my retinas :)


What are you aiming for with this map?


I can definitely see force speed and force jump being involved somewhere along the line if my experience of sonic is anything to go by

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Originally posted by Codja X

I'd hardly say it was bland. In fact, the amount of colour coming off it is searing my retinas :)

This is what I meant by bland. The architecture of the future isn't that interesting.


(I may get rid of the swoop bikes.)


What are you aiming for with this map?


I guess I'm aiming for an FFA/TFFA map in the Sonic CD-Palmtree Panic setting with some Sonic elements (such as springs).

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