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42 player server :)

S31 Apoc

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how long should us admins keep up our charity work?


if LA doesnt at least announce some form of server management function in the next couple days, I am going to shut ours down or password it.


whats the point of paying for all this bandwidth if we have no control? its like paying for a car and not being allowed to drive it.

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i so agree, funny thing is with 40 peeps my server cpu is only at like 40%... I tried over 50 & the games starts dropping people,,Im on a 100mg pipe so its not like I dont have enough... 40s play really nice though... Clan & matches will never happen without a few options... Im so upset about the crap dedicated


Really We need at least a few options...


1) restart maps

2) kick/ban players

3) change ticket count

4) lots more but these are a must for starters..

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And while they are at it, they can change some options to connecting to servers as well.


I don't know who made this up, but this constant refreshing makes it a pain to connect to a server you want. Let alone the unnecessary refresh when a server is full. And what about sorting by mapname, I guess they deemed that useless as well :/


Great game, incredibly crappy multiplay management system. The original Halflife was even better at this than SW:BF. What happened here?


P.S. thanks for putting up the server :) At least I saw it in my list although it was full most of the time :(

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