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Help is on the way


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It is self evident to all of us admins that the current 'tool' for running a server is completely inadequate.


Altough it may be of small comfort...LEC and Pandemic are aware of the problem and are planning on doing something.


Today I recieved the following message from LEC


I've been told the Devs will be addressing some concerns of the community. I have no timeline for this. Sorry I couldn't be more help to you and the rest of the Admin community.




and the following from Pandemic


We'll be looking into adding features like this but right now I have no date I can give you. But the need for these features is evident and as I said I'll discuss the issues with the network programmer.


I'll keep you posted when i know more.




so at least we know that at some point there will be a 'real' manager....we just dont know when


I will keep you posted

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Agreed. A snazzy gui comes later. We need multihoning command line params.


Btw, if full information on the command line parameters is released I might be willing to give this a shot. I've developed similar GUI tools for in-house remote control of a launcher via TCP and UDP. Hopefully though Pandemic will take care of their own mess here though.

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