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Gamespot Review 7.9


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Gamespot has a review here


They give it a 7.9 (good)


For comparison from other recent MP games:

UT2004 9.4

JK: JA 8.4

BFV: 8.5

CoD: 9.0



Overall, Star Wars: Battlefront delivers a satisfying team-based shooter experience that many hardcore Star Wars fans will probably enjoy greatly. Ironically, though the PC version of the game is technically the best, it also faces the stiffest direct competition, because to many PC shooter fans the game may come off as old hat. After all, aside from the Star Wars universe, Battlefront doesn't deliver anything PC players haven't seen before, even though it's a solid game in its own right. The console versions of the game--especially the Xbox version--might seem more fresh and appealing to their respective audiences, who don't have as many choices in online team-based shooters.


I think that pretty much summarizes the feedback people here and other forums are giving it. The SW geeks and Console players are saying "its great". And the PCGameGeeks are saying "eh...its ok....I've seen better"


...the good news is that the PC version can get better over time

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