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battlefront troubleshooting


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Hey NightStalker,


are u sure that SWB can run on a Vanta card?

If i remember good, the minimal spec said minimum a T&L card with 64MB of memory.


Nvidia Vanta cards haven't T&L and (in Europe) there was usually in 2 version: 16 and 32 MB.


If the CPU clock is lower then minimum required is not a problem (I have a Athlon900 and i have seen SWB run on a Duron700. Minimum required is 1GHZ). But if Video card hasn't the required memory, this card cant run SWB... =/

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  • 3 years later...

I have:

2.4Ghz intel


256MB ATI Radeon 9550


Windows XP Professional service pack 2


And I'm having exactly the same problem. If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate it, I bought it brand new and its a clean install. Its fine in the menu but when I try to start a battle (i've tried Galactic Conquest, Campaign and training) but before it even begins loading the screen goes black for half a second and then crashes back to the desktop.


If anyone has a solution to this it would be VERY handy, I'm eager to play.

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