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Need Help With Xbox Version


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Why do I have a hard time joining games? I have a good connection. How does a pilot distribute health and ammo? Are the blue canisters for health and red for ammo? If I join as a pilot and there are no vehicles at the spawn do what do I do? I know these sound like simple questions but, the manual for this game is horrible. Thanks for your help.

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At least for right now you have to use Quickmatch to get in games. And if it's too laggy, just exit and Quickmatch again until you get in a good game.


To distribute health and ammo, switch your secondary "weapon" with the whichever of the black/white buttons is on the left :D then hit the L trigger to drop them.


If you join as the pilot and there are no vehicles, you could always go around supporting them and your teammates with repairs and health/ammo. Also, if a bot is in a vehicle, you can kick them out by just getting into it yourself. :D Of course that's hard to do if they are flying around. ;)

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