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orbtial strike


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Default button to switch from grenades to recon droid is G. Hit your Secondary Fire button to release the droid and guide it around. You only have a set time before it is destroyed, so move it to where you want the bombardment to strike. Once you've found a spot, hit Secondary Fire again (no need to hold it pressed :) ) and after the 3rd beep the bombardment will commence at the area the droid was when the last beep sounded.


Tips: Call in the bombardment before you have positioned your droid if you are sure the area you want to bombard usually is filled with people. The bombardment will not commence until the third beep and will target the spot the droid was when the 3rd beep sounded.


If you want to bombard the area where you pressed the Secondary Fire button, move around the area so it will be harder for the enemy to destroy the droid before it manages to call in the bombardment. If the enemy destroyes it before the 3rd beep, the bombardment will not commence.


While you are operating the droid your toon is vulnerable to attack, so do not launch the droid while it is out in the open in plain view of the enemy. If you get killed, you will lose control of the droid, obviously. :D

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It's pretty tricky to setup an effective bombardment, apart from the delay and the fact that the Recon Droid can be shot, the area of effect is very narrow. Even when I place it directly under an AT-ST it's hard to get a direct hit. When it does hit, though, it can take out an AT-ST with one shot.

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