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New From Naboo (top secret)


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We are a peaceful people, with out many weapons, but due to the actions of the trade federation has cuased us to slightly modify the Queens ship. Not know what do do, we have found the only weapon we can really install onto the ship, of course the Ammunition for the weapon islimited, and takes away from it other uses, we think this new weapon system can protect the queen even more, especcially when she is far away from her home...


Theed Palace Starship works, present to you the MJ-Type Nubian, with is new, better missile system.




(please note, no droids were harmed in the making of these tests) biggrin.gif


May the force be with you!



He's a sun god, he's a fun god


BOW DOWN BEFORE the Official Forum Pun-isher

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Guest Thrawn

I think it just brings new meaning to the word K_K smile.gif



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Thrawn

don't even go there smile.gif



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Zedran

Very cool, But wouldn't duel R2 launchers be better. biggrin.gif


Join the Dark Side its your"Density".haha eek.gif




"Thats quite a wonderful smell you discovered!"



[This message has been edited by Zedran (edited May 19, 2000).]

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Guest Fondas

HOW COULD YOU !!???? You've just blown R2-D2 away ! frown.gif



The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7



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Guest Forceflow

*Force is desperately trying to find the right button, then he sees this blinking red one and when comes closer to it he hears that incredible R2 scream!!!*


*BOOM* there goes another one!!!





The home for the fighters!

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Guest Ruhan Raeyaz

I think that firing an MK utility droid would be more effective against large capital ships.

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Guest Fel Crynyd

Make it fire Jar Jar and you would have superwepon.


"Sir we are being fired apon."

"Hello boya me sa Jarr Jarr Binks"



Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha arn't we creul



Commander Fel Crynyd

XO of Hope Squadron

New Republic Marines

And I Keep Telling People,

A Inverted Half Imbalmen is not a Sex Posistion!!!!

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