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X-Wing or Tie Advanced?

Guest Commander Varth

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Guest Commander Varth

Hey guys,

I am stuck between the X-Wing and the Tie Advanced. Which one do you like, and why do you like it? and other ships you guys like besides the two? (i know this is kind of like the What is your favorite craft? question, but i am trying to get your opinion on the two craft mentioned above biggrin.gif)

---> Commander Varth

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Guest paulbarnard

hmmmm...both got 4 lasers, similar shields, warheads (with X-W having torps, and T/A advanced missiles) in standard payload.


X-wing has a little bit better hull when shields are stripped off/damaged than T/A.


T/A can support beam weapon. X-W only can if it's a modified opt.


T/A has slight edge in speed and manueverability.


I like advanced missiles over torps, so i give the edge to TIE Advanced.



Paul Barnard

aka Bad Monkey



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Well, here is a good comparison



as you can see the T/A beats the X-wing in Speed, and firepower, while the X-wing has a small edge in durability.


But in 3 missions the T/A did better then the X-wing, 1 mission agaisnt small fast moving targets, mission 2 against Slow well armed, and well shielded craft, and the last one for abilities to take out capital ships.


THe differance in Durability can stop 1 or 2 shots, which wont really help you all that much. Overall i would say the T/A is better, in the Flight sim


In whatever reality Star Wars is, the main disadvatage wit the TIE series fighters is the low Side, and back visibilty, I dont care how good you sensors are, you need to be able to see you target in order to kill it (look at the battle of Yavin) Wit the R-2 unit in the back, you can take a very large pounding before you really get hampered.


So in the Flight Sims, T/A all the way


In the movies, X-wing

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Guest Y-Wing Prodigy

It's sad really... That the huble Alliance, outnumbered as they are, are even outperformed in starfighter ability.


When it comes down to the crunch, be it Advanced or the X-Wing, the pilot in the cockpit makes all of the difference.


-It's a cruel world, a long, long time ago.

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Guest Zedran

My pick would have to be....T/I. It is a great ship ...Espeasially if you've modified it as much as i have. biggrin.gif



Feel the Power of the Dark Side!!!!! eek.gif



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I've yet to lose against a bright in my old pointer...so those stats seem a bit messed.


BTW, the X-wing has a 400 point advantage(or basically a whole Imperial laser's worth) in firepower over the Bright in terms of lasers.(Imperial lasers do 400, Rebel ones do 500), as well as a 200 meter range advantage. Not to mention 20% more shields, and somewhat more armor...is a "slight" advantage...


Also total manuverability/speed ratio wise the X actually has a slight edge in corner speed(last I checked).

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Guest Cloud

By the way, the TIE Advance had better shielding in the game. Check it at the database. X-Wings should had been more powerful.....

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Guest Ms. Talon

Well, I have not meleed online for a long time, but I have to agree with Nob; I recall that I never had any problems flying an X-Wing against a T/A. The X-W is so much steadier as a long-range gun platform that I could usually severely damage the T/A at long range-head-on, to more than offset its advantage close-in.






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Guest Joe Schmo

theyre both great, but which looks better? wink.gif


the tie advanced looks like some superefficient design and the dagger edges look sweet but the x-wing looks more like a powerhouse, a tank.


just depends on your taste smile.gif

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Guest Y-Wing Prodigy

Can I destroy this discussion quickly? Thank you. After a long discussion with B-Wing, we constructed a little timeline.


You'll find that the Tie Interceptor was built to combat the X-Wing and a better forum topic would be; Bright vs. A-Wing...


Sorry but it had to be said


-It's a knobbly old world.

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The T/A is much better than the X-Wing. It is faster, smaller and more

manuverable. This is easily better than the X-Wing slight advantage in

durability and firepower. I did a test with a 6vs6 of Superace X-Wings

vs Superace T/A. The T/A always won. I also did some tests against

other crafts and the T/A did a much better job here. The X-Wing failed

against almost any laser/ion craft(exept R41). But the T/A won most fights.


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Guest paulbarnard

ME_Jeldren, was this you as an outside observer? (like in a third party craft flying away from the conflic or were you active in any ships destruction?


how many trials? (1,2,3,4,????)


I do believe your results, but would like to have the complete details of your study.




Paul Barnard

aka Bad Monkey



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Originally posted by paulbarnard:

ME_Jeldren, was this you as an outside observer? (like in a third party craft flying away from the conflic or were you active in any ships destruction?


how many trials? (1,2,3,4,????)


I do believe your results, but would like to have the complete details of your study.



I made myself a primary target and equiped a decoy beam. The starting distance was

3 km and every craft type fought until one side had 3 victories. The T/D was the only craft

that won all fights 3:0 6:0. B-Wing are 2nd but the lost some fights to Blastboats

and Toscan. The Missile Boat sucked until I equiped it with advanced missiles.


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Guest JC_DeadEye

I belive it all boils down to the pilot's skills. I once did a melee variation in XvT against a friend-me T/A, him X-W, and both had 3 AI wingmen. Needless to say I won, but on another occasion against a single player skilled in flying an X-Wing, I got the crap blown outta me over and over.


Still, I'd take an unmodified TIE Interceptor above everyother Imperial fighters. It rocks if you've spent a lot of time honing your skills in it. A ship not reccommended for newbies in online matches.



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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Guest Fel Crynyd

I agree with most of you. First you can't really compare the craft. each craft have a oppiside craft that they equal with

Z-95 = Tie/F

X-w = Tie/I

Y-w = Tie/b

A-w = Tie/a

then there are the 2 that don't match B-w and T/D you can see that the Alliacne needed a Bomber to take out the SD and the empire needed a fighter to take out all things. this is why there is no Missile Boat in XvT now that it is in Alliance it is a diffrent stroy.


But then again it boils down to Pilots. My commander can still kill me even if he flies a z-95 and i fly a T/D so it is Pilot skill overall



Commander Fel Crynyd

XO of Hope Squadron

New Republic Marines

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Originally posted by Fel Crynyd:

I agree with most of you. First you can't really compare the craft. each craft have a oppiside craft that they equal with

Z-95 = Tie/F

X-w = Tie/I

Y-w = Tie/b

A-w = Tie/a

then there are the 2 that don't match B-w and T/D you can see that the Alliacne needed a Bomber to take out the SD and the empire needed a fighter to take out all things. this is why there is no Missile Boat in XvT now that it is in Alliance it is a diffrent stroy.


But then again it boils down to Pilots. My commander can still kill me even if he flies a z-95 and i fly a T/D so it is Pilot skill overall


There is also no T/D in XvT. The B-Wing has a match - the Gunboat. The T/D is the only

unmatched craft because it is good at anything. If you want another unmatched craft than

it should be T/B. The Rebellion has no light bomber.

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I wouldn't really call the T/B a bomber, besides a decent payload, it cant do jack without Ions. Origianlly WEG had the S/B being Imperial, That is a good bomber, besides the Missile boat.


I have been working some tech stuff for a IMP vs REb war. I hae talked abotu this before, but i think it baress repeating


Imperial Craft: T/F, T/I, T/A, GUN, S/B

rebel Craft: A-WING, B-WING, X-WING, Y-WING, Z-95


so far i have finsihed the T/I vs Reb, and i found a slgiht problem with the tests. It seems the computer AI puts a priority on getting the shields to 200%, and leaves the shiled craft with weaker lasers then a non-sheilded craft. Now any pilot worth it's salt would keep the Lasers at at LEAST half charge.


Also when againt Ion craft, a enemy might get disabled, but not destroyed, so i have been acting as an observer, and making sure that craft get destroyed, not disabled, otherwise the match could be a little uneven.


This bares more testing, BUT in a staderedized test it seems to me that these are the items that make a "Better" craft


1. Speed

2. Firepower

3. Durability


Ions are allways a plus b/c you can get a quick kill, without being too accurate, and againt heavily armored craft, you can get a kill with even wimpy lasers


When i am done with the Reb vs Imp tests i will post it for all to see.

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Guest Thrawn

The ship makes no difference, it's the skill of the piolot! Wedge has taken out T/F's, T/I's, T/B's, T/A's, T/D's.

Why? Because he's just that good!



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

so far i have finsihed the T/I vs Reb, and i found a slgiht problem with the tests. It seems the computer AI puts a priority on getting the shields to 200%, and leaves the shiled craft with weaker lasers then a non-sheilded craft. Now any pilot worth it's salt would keep the Lasers at at LEAST half charge.


Also when againt Ion craft, a enemy might get disabled, but not destroyed, so i have been acting as an observer, and making sure that craft get destroyed, not disabled, otherwise the match could be a little uneven.


This bares more testing, BUT in a staderedized test it seems to me that these are the items that make a "Better" craft


1. Speed

2. Firepower

3. Durability


Ions are allways a plus b/c you can get a quick kill, without being too accurate, and againt heavily armored craft, you can get a kill with even wimpy lasers


When i am done with the Reb vs Imp tests i will post it for all to see.


How did you test T/I vs Reb? With AI pilots? Unshielded Ties sucked hard in my tests

because the AI evades to late - just like the average human pilot. The number of crafts

in the fight also matters. Low numbers favor fast and manuverable one and large numbers

the durability and firepower group. For example T/A win 6vs6 vs Y-Wing but they loose

a 12vs12.





[This message has been edited by ME_Jeldren (edited June 21, 2000).]

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Well, the results should at least be consitant, that is what i am looking for.


What i have is 7 Flight grops of 2 craft each, with Super Ace AI. FOr each craft type. I am not looking for whcih craft beats which craft, i am looking for overall K/D ration and Total Kill/deaths then i will rate the craft accordingly


So far the B-wing is the best, and the Z-95 is the worst. I am not praticipating at all, equal skilled pilots are going after eachother. In fact in one mission i had a T/F with 1% of its hull left, and he survived for over 8 minutes. n Seems to be doing pretty good to me. Right now i cannot say much, until i am finished. Maybe with some help i can get all the craft compared to eachother. um... 30 minutes times 30^2 is a lot of minutes biggrin.gif

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Guest Thrawn




"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Y-Wing Prodigy

All I can say is the black madness has now infested this post; mortal will is no match for a little bit of rivalry.


I'm glad some ppl are sensible enough to realize the ship is not the issue, the pilot is.


-It's a cruel lilum.

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Well maybe this will shed some light. A good pilot can beat a poor one, even in a inferior craft. You have to know the weaknesses and strengths of both craft. but for craft vs craft here is my results.


Each side, had 7 Flight groups of 2, total of 14 craft on each side, start distance was 2 km each mission was 10 minutes in length. All idid was watch with a decoy beam in a YT-2000, and as a primary flight group, i did not attack, nor was i attacked.


These are the mission results


Mission 1: T/A- 134 kills, X-W- 64 Kills

Mission 2: T/A- 113 kills, X-W- 74 Kills

Mission 3: T/A- 126 Kills, X-W- 74 Kills


Total Kills on a side: T/A- 373, X-W- 212


Kill/Death ratio: T/A- ~1.76, X-W- ~.57


the Defense rests: TIE Advanced is better


even tho i prefer the X-wing over the T/A



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Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

Well, the results should at least be consitant, that is what i am looking for.


What i have is 7 Flight grops of 2 craft each, with Super Ace AI. FOr each craft type. I am not looking for whcih craft beats which craft, i am looking for overall K/D ration and Total Kill/deaths then i will rate the craft accordingly


So far the B-wing is the best, and the Z-95 is the worst. I am not praticipating at all, equal skilled pilots are going after eachother. In fact in one mission i had a T/F with 1% of its hull left, and he survived for over 8 minutes. n Seems to be doing pretty good to me. Right now i cannot say much, until i am finished. Maybe with some help i can get all the craft compared to eachother. um... 30 minutes times 30^2 is a lot of minutes biggrin.gif


Hmm there can be a problem if the T/F was reduced to 1% hull while hypering into the melee.

The AI like to ignore those craft and even one hit will kill them - even a gun with 180% shields.

Here are the top 5 fighters of my 6vs6 fights


1. T/D - unchallenged they nerver suffered a casualty

2. B-Wing close second they lost to Guns , T/D and had a lot of trouble with Toscan and


3. Missile Boat (with AM) they only lost to B/W,T/D and S/B had trouble with Guns

4. T/A they lost to B/W T/D and MIS. Guns, Toscan and Blastboats gave them alot of


5. Gunboat lost to T/D,MIS, T/A,Toscan and had trouble with B/W and S/B


The following craft fought in the contest: T/D,B-Wing, Missileboat, T/A, Gun,

Toscan,Blastboat,A-Wing, Y-Wing, Pursuer, Supa Fighter, Razor Fighter and


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Originally posted by Y-Wing Prodigy:

All I can say is the black madness has now infested this post; mortal will is no match for a little bit of rivalry.


I'm glad some ppl are sensible enough to realize the ship is not the issue, the pilot is.


-It's a cruel lilum.


Well it is both the pilot and the ship. For example winning a B-Wing(you) vs T/D is

relative easy - but winning T-Wing(you) vs T/D is very hard. I won the first fight

30:11 and the last one 6:5. I would have still won the first fight against a slighly better pilot

but I would loose the second fight.


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