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EFMI MAC Demo problem


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Hi there


I have a Voodoo 5500 64mb PCI and i'm having a serious problem with the demo i downloaded of Escape from Monkey island.


I've been planning on buying the full game, however i thought i'd test the demo first. I'm glad i did!

Firstly the text is blocky and unreadable, not the "Load, Save, Quit" Menu but the messages that pop up if you click on say quit. It was say, i think.."Are you sure, Yes-No" However what i get it a load of blocky things across my screen, you can tell it's text but it's totally unreadable. Also the characters. some of their textures are missing or have been replaced by this weird washed rainbow effect.


Does anyone have any idea whats going on? I'm assuming it's an openGL fault as i had something similair happen with Quake3. But i repaired that by copying my original openGL drivers over the one's OS 9.2.2 had installed.



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well then I really can't see where the problem is coming from or what to do about it. All I can really suggest is buying the full game and running that (considering it's likely that any bugs found in the demo would be resolved in the final product) and if there are still problems just download the patch.


Otherwise, i can't really suggest anything else unless someone else can come along with more experiance with running games on a mac.

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