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the ships that you dont fly

Guest Harry Carry

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Guest Harry Carry

you know the ai ships in game, do they take damage like you? cause when you have red ship, you lose your cannons and control etc.

and they take time to repair, does this happen to the computer? i havent seen it, it would be interesting if it did,


the ion cannons dont seem to do much unless the ship is at 0, i would think that as you lose your systems the ship would slowly degrade not just stop working at 0

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Typicall shielded AI craft never fire thier lasers at full charge, so the have weaker laser compared to non-shielded craft. Ions do damage to Shields also. but you dont get the collateral damage that you do when hitting Player craft.


THe AI does not get system damage, it actally is pretty usless, also the AI would not know how to act with system damage. No flight or flee reflex


But one thing that AI can do, the Player cannot do, and that is Yaw

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