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Help for my campains!!! REWARD!!!

Guest Toscan

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Guest Toscan

I'm currently making campains about the adventures of an Imperial Commander who is in charge of Kestic Station (yeah, it was named after it's former commanders first battle (Porkin's story, his base) and now you are in command. You have a ship from your spy days (a YT-2000 like the Otana) the Kirad that you use to fly, you would rather fly in battle than sit and watch in your Star Destroyer. So anyway, i need to keep my story straigt. here's your quiz. I'll name an Officer (rebel, Pirate, Imperial, or Civilian, wichever you chose) after whoever can answer all the questions. It wont be that hard, but i'll be fun and offer a reward.


1) When did Admeral Thrawn Become a Grand Admeral?


2)name 5 Star Destroyers that Were in service during SotE and Return of the Jedi Befor The battle of Endor (not including the Chimaera or Glory.


3) Besides Corillia, Kessle, and Tattoine, what is a smuggler or Pirate's favorite System


4) How many Average Starfighters will an Average ISDII hold?


5) How many Super Star Destoyers were ever Constructed


6) Name all you can




7)Durng SotE, what was the extent of the Imperial Fleet in numbers


I know most are relitively easy questions (for this crowd anyway) but i don't feel like messing up the Timelines or making any stupid errors.

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Guest JC_DeadEye

I'd tell you, but I'd like to give some of the younger folk a chance to answer.



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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Originally posted by Toscan:

1) When did Admeral Thrawn Become a Grand Admeral?


Tough one. Supposedly around 3-4 months before Endor.


2)name 5 Star Destroyers that Were in service during SotE and Return of the Jedi Befor The battle of Endor (not including the Chimaera or Glory.

Avarice, Avenger, Devestator, Imperator, Virulence, Exterminator, Ravagor....quite a lot more..


4) How many Average Starfighters will an Average ISDII hold?

I don't quite get your question, but an ISDII had a compliment of 72 fighters. 28 TIE/ln, 8 TIE/fc, 24 TIE Interceptors, 1 TIE Bomber(or TIE/gt for lower priority ships), in addition to 6-18 Assault Gunboats.


5) How many Super Star Destoyers were ever Constructed

Somewhere around a dozen, or even up to two dozen.


6) Name all you can

I assume you mean Exec Stars.

Agressor, Executor, Lusankya, Guardian, Terror, Intimidator, Razor's Kiss, Reaper, Vengeance, Night Hammer(renamed Knight Hammer by Daala) In addition to 5-6 unnamed ones.




7)Durng SotE, what was the extent of the Imperial Fleet in numbers

Approximately 25,000 Imperator class Star Destroyers, as well as several hundred thousand support vessels. Might seem excessive but judging from the size of the Empire it's quite believable.

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Guest Toscan

Thanks Nob, and everyone, now i know some things to keep my story staight. Now, Pick your Position Nob: Imperial, Rebel, Pirate, Smuggler, or Civilian. You could also pick what you do, since i realy dont mind.


Thanx, Tek, maybe you'll make a cameo, JC_DeadEye, for being so kind you can to.


Thanx again.



Abnormal, or special, wichever way you look at it, I'm still me

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I am goign to try to stick to pure Star wars, and ignore anything from making of the movies magic, or anyhting i deem unrelable, and i will also put in the source.


1) When did Admeral Thrawn Become a Grand Admeral? It had to be before the battle of Yavin. it is the only time that vader could be away from the galaxy, and be near the unknown rejions where Thrawns home planet is. darth vader sent in troops to get him, and later found out how good of a tactician he was. The Emporer gave him the rank of Admiral, and was sortof a too lfor the Emporer to use. Later, when Thrawn had a falling out with the Empoers court, he was promoted to Grand Admiral and sent to the unkown regions for SOMETHING, not sure what. So it would have to be before ANH or if not, somewhere early in the timeframe between ANH and ESB (source: Any T.Zahn novel)


2)name 5 Star Destroyers that Were in service during SotE and Return of the Jedi Befor The battle of Endor (not including the Chimaera or Glory.)


Devastator (ISD in ANH [Radio Drama]), Tyrant (The ISD shot by the Ions in ESB [CCG]), Devotion (Captured ISD in the Black Fleet crises), Virulence (Booster Terricks ISDII), Judicator (one of thrawns ships in the Hier to the emipre trilogy)


Now these are not ones tyou can really destroy, there is enough ISD out there that to come up with names i use a Thesaurus on ones i know.


3) Besides Corillia, Kessle, and Tattoine, what is a smuggler or Pirate's favorite System?


there is the Smugglers Run (Skips 1-5 are the hot spots [New rebellion], KESSEL (not really a port), and pretty much any out of the way planet, that is far from the core (like tatooine)


4) How many Average Starfighters will an Average ISDII hold? 72 TIEfighters. In the timeframe around ESB there was 4 Squadrons of T/F (48) 1 Squadron of T/B and 1 Squadron of T/I, TIE/rc (recon ties) were usualyl mixed in with the regualer squadrons with 1 for every 6 ships, but it varied (ESB source book from WEG) But the nubmer allways stays at 72


5) How many Super Star Destoyers were ever Constructed?


Supposely there were suppsoe to be only 7. But the EU decides that every big badd guy needs one (Thrawn did jsut fine without one)


6) Name all you can


Executor Lord Vader's personal flagship, seen in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The first ship constructed in its class. Built under heavy security at the Kuat Drive Yards shipyards at Fondor, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, as seen in Classic STAR WARS comics. Destroyed after impaling the second Death Star at Endor when the battle station exploded.


Reaper Flagship of Scourge Squadron, an elite group of star destroyers which was formed for Grand Moff Tarkin and commanded by Grand Moff Ardus Kaine subsequent to Tarkin's death. Flagship of Kaine's Pentastar Alignment Imperial faction at a time approximately three years after the Emperor's death. [sTAR WARS Adventure Journal #3]. Kaine died during the Emperor's cloned return and was replaced by Admiral Pellaeon. At the Battle of Oringa destroyed the New Republic fleet carrier Endurance with all its fighters aboard. (This was history at the start of Before the Storm, but must have happened sufficiently late in New Republic history for the new government to have acquired or designed its own dedicated carrier vessels.) Lost while repelling a New Republic invasion of Moff Getelles' territory after Planet of Twilight. [sTAR WARS Essential Chronology]


Terror Admiral Sarn's command ship appearing in the Rebel Assault II computer game, which is set sometime before Return of the Jedi. Some story elements in these games don't mesh well with the movies, so the status of the Terror in the overall continuity is uncertain.


Guardian Flagship of Fleet Admiral Gaen Drommel. Was stationed in the Core regions near Coruscant at the time of Return of the Jedi. Immediately after word of Palpatine's death was received the Guardian departed to Drommel's home sector as part of his efforts to establish a small personal empire. Severely damaged in a battle with New Republic forces which took place not more than three years after Return of the Jedi. Survived until at least three years after Return of the Jedi [described in Wanted by Cracken]. Captured by New Republic agents more than a decade later [Two for One].


Vengeance Commanded by Admiral Senn in Airam sector sometime between the battles of Hoth and Endor. Destroyed by outgunned rebels in a concerted attack in one of the possible outcomes of Balance of Power; destroyed the Mon Calamari cruiser Liberty in a different game outcome. The real fate of this ship is unknown. [NB. this ship is not the same as the Vengeance serving as flagship for the dark Jedi Jerec, which is a completely different class.]


Aggressor The flagship of Admiral Roek was stationed in the Inner Rim regions of the galaxy before the Battle of Endor. Six months later it was recalled to the Galactic Core to fortify and defend the shipyards of the Corellian system from potential rebel attack, as described in STAR WARS Adventure Journal #2. This ship, or another by the same name, remained in service and recognised the authority of Ysanne Isard two and a half years after the Battle of Endor.


Iron Fist Constructed as Brawl (one of the earliest ships in the Executor-class) and presented to Admiral Zsinj by the Emperor. Renamed after his first command, a Victory-class destroyer. Infamous flagship of the renegade Imperial Warlord Zsinj and used extensively by his forces in campaigns concurrent with the New Republic's capture of Coruscant three years after the Battle of Endor, as described in the X-Wing novels. The target of a five month search by a New Republic naval task force led by General Han Solo, as described in The Courtship of Princess Leia, four years after the Battle of Endor.


Lusankya Secretly built at Kuat under Executor's name and then buried on the surface of Coruscant during the reign of Emperor Palpatine, the Lusankya was used as a top-secret holding facility for prisoners of Imperial Intelligence. Three years after the Battle of Endor, this warship fell under the command of Ysanne Isard. This ship was equipped with an unorthodox repulsorlift bed enabling it to lift off the surface of the planet. Captured by Thyferran and independent forces aligned with the New Republic. Its exact ownership after that point is unclear, but (under command of General Wedge Antilles) Lusankya was decisive in capturing the Imperial planet Phaeda a few months following the demise of the last Palpatine-clone. Its absence from other major conflicts, such as the Thrawn and Shadow Hand campaigns, suggests that the repairs were time-consuming.


[unknown] Another Super Star Destroyer remained in the sectors of the Galactic Core and recognised the authority of Ysanne Isard, Director of Imperial Intelligence who ruled from Coruscant two and a half years after the Emperor's death at Endor, as described in the X-Wing Rogue Squadron and X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble. It is possible that this ship is the Aggressor


Knight Hammer Constructed by warlord Superior General Delvardus and commanded by Admiral Daala approximately eight years after the Emperor's death. Plated with special "stealth armour" as a sensor countermeasure, which has the interesting side-effect of making the hull almost completely black. Described in Darksaber.


Intimidator There are three of this class of starship in the Black Sword Fleet in Before the Storm, thirteen years after the Battle of Endor. One of them was originally named the Intimidator, according to Shield of Lies. This ship is supposed to exhibit design modifications which are distinctive of "late-production" SSDs, particularly an "additional shield tower located on the centreline". Intimidator became the Yevethan flagship, renamed Pride of Yevetha. Escaped with Imperial counter-mutineers to the Deep Core twelve years after Endor. Found damaged beyond repair and drifting near Unknown Regions four years later.


Razor Kiss Construction of this ship was almost completed in a spacedock in orbit around the planet Kuat four years after the Battle of Endor. It was stolen by Warlord Zsinj and lasted in his hands for a short time.





7)Durng SotE, what was the extent of the Imperial Fleet in numbers


Enuf. Well there is really no way to say. it seems the imperial navy in the movies only consists of ISDs. They need ot cover Half of the galaxy. So really i dont know. And i dont think anyone really knows. I jsut say, that there is enuf, and there isallways a ISD to shoot down

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Guest JC_DeadEye

Can I be the annoying invincible TIE Interceptor, that the player finally get's to blow to bits in the last mission for a buncha points? smile.gif



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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