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6 Veretan AI X-Wings vs 1. Tie/D

Guest Mr. Johnson

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Guest Mr. Johnson

I was in TIE Defender and I downed six missile-equipped Veretan AI X-Wings. What can YOU do better? Also I can killa Top Ace Tie Defender uusing a Tie Interceptor.

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Guest Zedran

Looks like your just getting started there ACE!

Zed. eek.gif



When last we met I was but the apprentice,.."Now I am the Disaster"


Click,Click,Click,......Damn Light Saber!.....AAAAAUUUUGGGHHH.........


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Try flying a TIE Int vs 3 TIE ints with Ace Or Top ace AI (Three seperate FG) if you can beat thiose, your skills are complete.


The toughest thing i ever did was take out a CRS with ONE TIE fighter, no invunerablity, no missiles, no beams, jsut skill, and 2 lasers, and the Ping-pong ball with Paper plates

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Guest darth regent

now you all need to stop lying to yourselves. who in the world going to believe that you took dn a CRS with 1 tie fighter. Luke with the force on his side couldn'r do that. I'm finding it hard to believe that one tie/I can best 1 tie /D

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Guest Toscan

Perhaps the CRS was set to NO DUTY in the skirmish mode, it wont fire at you when you do it like that



Abnormal, or special, wichever way you look at it, I'm still me

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Guest JC_DeadEye

Believe, cause it's K_Kinnison who's telling you.


Here's a good one. Try a TIE Interceptor and a few expendible wingmen(use them to draw some fire) vs all the Rebel craft you can fit into the skirmish. Let me tell you. It get's hairy out there and you need a lot of luck. I've only managed twice.



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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I took down a VSD II in a T/I. It was really easy, I just kept doing this corkscrew thing away from it and he couldn't touch me. After flying away for 15 seconds, I would dive at him for 15 seconds. Repeat as many times as needed.



Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say... no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh... depended on the breaks.


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its easy to take out ISD2 with a tie interceptor.. nothing to it....

also pretty easy to NEVER die when playing verteran AI... now change it to superace for at least a SLIGHT challenge.

Anyway.. the only challenge the game actually poses is online against others who can whoop the computers ass at any level..

the point is, in a t/i at veteran AI you should be able to take as many x's on as u want... its a piece of pish



Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear......Fear is my ally





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I can prove what i can do with film, and i got about 30 ppl online that can attest to my skills, it really isn't that hard


Against the CRS i targeted the top of the craft, about 2/3 of the way down the hull, it was firing at me, with a Vetran AI. I was also able to take out a few turrets to make my life easier. The CRS has some terrible firing arcs for the turrets, and only about 6 guns were firing at me at any one time.


Fly in at about 45 degrees, at about 1.5km distance, fire until you get to about .5km roll to the right (or left) 90 degrees, and pull up hard until you are flying back the way you came.... wait until you extend to 1.2km and pull hard again. repeat until BOOM

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

Try this one:

Your craft: X-Wing, equipped: Advanced Missiles + chaff

Opponent team (all Veteran AI with Advanced Missiles):

1 T/A

1 T/B

1 T/F

1 T/D

1 T/I

1 T-W

1 Toscan



Try to eliminate all enemy craft ASAP.

(My result: 1:12)

Good Luck!

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What I'm about to tell you doesn't take a lot of skill, but its pretty cool and fun to do.


Put one A-wing (you) armed with advanced torpedos in team 1. Then fill all flight groups of team 2 with 6 TIE fighters each, and one wave each. Start the mission. You will be going against 48 TIE fighters at once. Orient you craft so all TIEs are on your tail and keep them within 2.5-3 kms from you. Redirect lasers to engines as needed to do this. While the TIEs are chasing you, keep flying in a gentle turn while keeping the TIEs at the prescribed distance. As the TIEs follow your turning craft, all of the flight groups will eventually bunch up into a tight ball. When you feel that the time is right, redirect lasers to engines and speed out ahead of the TIEs by 3.0 km. Target a TIE in the middle of the pack, arm your warhead launchers, and do a quick 180 turn toward the TIES. As soon as you get a lock, fire the torpedo and do a quick 180 degree turn again. With luck, the torpedo will destroy all 48 TIEs. That many simultaneous explosions sounds pretty cool too.


Better yet, if you have the skrimish module for BHE, you can put 95 TIEs in one flight group of team 2.


I've never been able to get all 95 TIEs with one torpedo, but my record is 88.



If you strike me down, I shall become more decomposed than you could possibly imagine.

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Guest Mr. Johnson

OK OK one tie/d vs 6 Veretan X-Wings even if they have missiles is 2 easy

but I also took out numerous IDS2's, Rebel Bases, etc. with a missle boat, ion torps, and obsessive knowledge of all the blind spots of every flying craft in XWA.


Thats easy but have you ever tried to 2 super ace TIE/D's that have adv missiles when youre in an INterceptor? I did that once.

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Guest Cloud

You guys are something, taking on all those things above. Why I don't even think I can take out any capitial ship with an unshielded craft. Beside the best I can do is taking out 6 veteran TIEs for as many waves with an X-wing. then again, I always have trouble steering, because I use a gamepad(the direction pad has no sensitively so my targeting cursor always get over the target). I can never really fly straight because of that also.....

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good point...

i got a fil of me taking out a ISD2 somewhere... ill see if i can find it and upload it



Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear......Fear is my ally





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Guest MonkeyLight

heheh I treid that scenario before its fun I also pithced a ssd against 6 calamaris that was funny to watch

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Guest General Taskor

I made a scenerio where it was 1 calamari cruiser, 4 transports, 4 corvettes, and 1 squadron of y-wings and 1 squadron of x-wings against 1 SSD and 1 ISD. It was one big laser fight. All that was left was the calamari cruiser and 1 corvette. Most of the fighters did the job

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Originally posted by OMEGA_ANUBIS:

good point...

i got a fil of me taking out a ISD2 somewhere... ill see if i can find it and upload it


Killing an ISD2 with any craft is nothing special. IDS2 are pathetic against a human

pilot. Try a M/FRG these things are hard to kill in a T/F. All other crafts have design

flaws you can use to kill them. For example crafts with many guns can't fire all their

guns at your. Only the front or the aft section is firing at you. It is easy to kill an

super ace assault frigate with a T/F if you know this fact. Other craft like lancer frigates

, gunships can't hit you if you aim at a certain part of the ship.


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