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Ideas for the next X-wing game

Guest Toscan

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Guest Toscan

If Lucas arts ever makes another X-wing game, what would there be in it? What would you want?


Personaly, i would like atmoshperic missions like in Rouge Squadren, keep the E-mails and a storyline from a singe pilot in the alliance, Bring back All those medals you get with every mission, a ton more ships, and being able to be more than a fighter pilot, like, take for instance, your on the boarding party for taking over a ship! Like Jedi knight! Where you can walk around, and even better graphix.



Abnormal, or special, wichever way you look at it, I'm still me

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Guest Toscan

Oh, yeah, and to be able to captian large vessles, like a Calimara Cruiser



Abnormal, or special, wichever way you look at it, I'm still me

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Guest Cloud

I could go on and on, but I chose not too, however, better graphics, sounds, and skirmish creator (should be alittle tab that says advance for us advance users).

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Guest Toscan

Yeah, the bloodsucking conglomorates will stay where the money is for now Ms talon, the new Star Wars movies, but, in a few years when there all old news, where will the money be at? A new hit book like Shadows of the Empire? Maybe, or will they look back on the x-wing Series? A highly sucsessfull game seriese that over the years has made George many nice dollars? See, they made XWA unfinished for a reson, so one day they can surprize lots of money from us when a fith game comes into the series!



Abnormal, or special, wichever way you look at it, I'm still me

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Guest Thrawn

It's a Lucas Arts Conspiracy!



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Toscan

Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't they say that they wern't going to make Shadows and Rouge for PC? Just for N64? Now look! In the words of Fat Bastard "Surprize Surprize!"

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Guest Y-Wing Prodigy


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Guest Thrawn

Didn't somebody already do that? Oh yes, I think it was milkshake.



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Y-Wing Prodigy

Perhaps, but then all you can fly is old clanky ships held together with the force... literally! The downside to that hypothesi is that WE HAVE TO WAIT!


I just hope that they will finally put in jinking. I'm sick of that message, "Jink now." Am I the only one it annoys?

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Guest jmillheiser

i dont see the problem with the controls on XWA my joystick is set up to that left and right control yaw up and down control pitch and twist the stick right rolls right twist the stick left and roll left. I have a wingman extreme 3d with a twist stick. it beats the roll button anyday.


I could just imagine flying a naboo fighter in an X-wing type of game. its little blasters would never get through the shielding on most of the fighters on XWA

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I would like it if jinking could some how be made easier.... (I am NOT a newbie....)

Definitley right with the atmopsheric idea - some extra-atmospheric, some intra-atmospheric.

Maybe be even some 'Wraith Squadron' senanigans ? On foot, so that YOU are the zero-g man, or on foot on a plantery base...



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Guest Scoundrel67

Score another one for Ms. Talon. The X-Wing series was not left unfinished, it was hastily rushed out the door. There's a difference. Enjoy XWA and the add ons she's created. They're all you're going to get, friend.



They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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Guest Toscan

yeah. Hey, for my new campaign i'm making i have some nice screens but i cant post them, id bee real nice to show off what i have done so far. how do you post pics in your post?

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Guest Fel Crynyd

How bout missions like in the Rouge Squadron Books like the one where rouge squadron gets launched from a captial ship then hpers to a plaent and flys into the atmosphere and takes out some ground targets then sprints away .2 klicks off its moon to hyperspace. Also i would like the program they make the game in so we don't have to crack it and write our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(not that i have a problem with Allied)

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Guest SadShadow

well i must say... two Words LUCAS ARTS...

we must TRUST in those elder gods...

(personally i love the HOTH mission... i have Rogue Squad... and i play that stage thousands of times in one day...)

i know that the xwing series are in the space.. but...a speeder bike mission would be great




The Lone Wing

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Guest General Taskor

I think the next X-Wing game if there ever will be one. In it you command fleets and can still fly in fighters. Like in multiplayer if your a fighter you could dock with the capitol ship and then walk around as a person, like the Jedi Knight game. That would the best X-Wing game yet.


[This message has been edited by General Taskor (edited July 07, 2000).]

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Guest Carolina Jedi

ya know we should have people working on this. obviously Ms.T could help create missions. Nob could get OPTs along with some others. and what the hell ever happened to the atmosheric project?



Finally the Carolina Jedi has come back to Xwing Alliance!

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