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how to open the lvl files or whatever you do to make mods


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the topic says all: how to open the lvl files or whatever you do to make mods cause i want too make a mod where the naboo plains map is modded so when playing as the CIS the super battlefroid will be replaced with the ordinary battledroid (from the campagins) and they shall also have an MTT. for the republic you should play as the gungans and have these faamba shield generators 8also from the campagin)

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Originally posted by arachon

the topic says all: how to open the lvl files or whatever you do to make mods cause i want too make a mod where the naboo plains map is modded so when playing as the CIS the super battlefroid will be replaced with the ordinary battledroid (from the campagins) and they shall also have an MTT. for the republic you should play as the gungans and have these faamba shield generators 8also from the campagin)


Haven't looked at the MTT, though putting the Battle droid back in in place of the Super battle droid is a matter of editing mission.lvl for the map you want it on. I will write a tutorial for this and post a link for you and anyone else interested.

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A real tutorial is incoming from Sub and I , until then your best bet on making mods is downloading Ultraedit32. A hex editor.


This will allow you to open the .lvl files and alter/read them and learn more about hex edting in general.


This link is for the download page for Ultraedit32:



a free program for 45 days.


If you want to mod certain maps just open them and explore, there are some helpful post in these forums to guide you in replacing weapons, items and ships....with more being learned every day!

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thanks dude! i needed it!!;)



BTW. something that anoyes me si in the pc version instruction booklet it says that MTT's should be available:




These lumbering behemoths can unload devastating amounts of firepower on a target, as well as serving as mobile Command Posts. This type imcludes the AT-TE, AT-AT and MTT

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