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Multiplayer veteran AI seems real good sometimes

Guest Cloud

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Guest Cloud

Maybe it's just a glitch with my game,but when I play multiplayer coop with some people, sometimes the veteran TIEs AI seems real advance at time!


For instance, one time they did what I call the "4 way attack", which is when an enemy approach from the front, left, right, and back of you! Another thing that happened once was when they flied in Vader's famous attack formation!

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okay, lets talk about what is dirrerant between a novice AI and a SUper ACE ai


first of all, depending on the level, they will start shooting farther away, the better the AI, from .4 KM to 1.25km


Seoncdly, depending on the AI level, they will break off the attack at a certain distance, novices will usually run into you, while SUper ACE AI will break off at the last second


Third, Depending on level, a craft that gets hit will evade at a certain "sensitivity" based on the damage it recives


fourth, if a craft does not get damaged, it will extend to a certain distace (farhter away for each AI) turn back, to set up an attack, and repeat #2


fifth, if damamged beyond it's "sensitiveyty (noramll when hull gets hit) a craft with break off, turn tail, and start doign a sissors to get away, based on the AI level, it will go straight betwen turns, and will lessen its "straight" coarse as the level increases


now, one thing you have to watch out for, is that in low delection shots (from front, or back) the AI is VERY good at any level. That means when the AI FG lines up in a H2H situation, it will MURDER you unless you can evade, or get them first. Most of the time in SP mission, they are not specifically tageting you, but in a SKM, and if you are in the lead, well, you better watch out

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Guest OtanaMan

I thought AI in MP becomes more advanced when human opponents are all on one side and COMs on the other.


For example, if the Rebels are all human players and the Imperials are all computers, then the computer will increase it's skill to make the game more challenging for the human players.

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Guest Cloud

Kinnision, I seems like Otanama is right though... the TIEs like I said were veterans and they did formaiton attacks and attack patterns. However it doesn't happens alot luckily... by the way ever get the bug where the TIEs start fighting each other instead of you?

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Guest Marril

Ugh, the bug where a FG will attack itself. This is only second to the ship attacking itself bug...



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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