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MI Cosplay??


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(shout at me if im in the wrong forum, i tend to do it alot)

I dunno if im crazy (dont worry its a rhetorical question) but am i the only cosplayer here? i saw that guy and in the news section dressed as guybrush and wasnt sure if he was cosplaying or a mental patient (ha!...i get that alot)


for thos who are like WTF? Cosplay is when u make (or buy) a costume of a movie character or Game character or anime or manga character. Some do it out of obssession, some people do it cos they are bored, and i do it because i like it when tons of crazy japaneese tourists taking photos of me .:D . I generally cosplay FF characters but im considering making an elaine costume. And if you dont beleive me, jus try google imaging "a fictional charcter" cosplay. Its Maddness!!


Thankyou.....right now you'll either think "wow! thats great!" or be rolling your eyes in thinking "weirdo".

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