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=\ (XWAUP)

Guest Marril

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Guest Marril

Okeday, here I go and download the thing, install it, and play a skirmish to test the new ships/warheads. Jeez, that did these people do to the cockpits?! The Y-Wing's one feels ever more like a coffin (and often is >.<), and the X-Wing one... *shudder* Here's me opinion on the new stuff:


X-Wing: looks great on the outside. The cockpit looks like a wall, though.

A-Wing: great! The thing looks like in the movies, and the cockpit ain't bad, either.

Y-Wing: ugh, they took a coffin and walded a few starfighter parts on, or it SEEMS like it...

Z-95: Looks a LOT better than the original one. The cockpit has a better view, and the colours look better.

B-Wing: ACK! Too white, too white... @_@

Lasers: can't argue... ¬_¬

Ions: unnerving seeing purple bolts when you've played it for like a year with blue.

Missiles: look better, but that isn't that hard to do.

Torps: the adv. ones look like lasers, too bad capships can tell the difference...

Rockets: Pfft, they just spriced up the colours a bit.

Bombs: WHAT changes?


In all, a few ships seem like a gyp, and they ain't touching MY Corellian freighters! wink.gif



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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Guest Darksaber

I'm the guy how made most of the fighters and the cockpits, might suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, and if you don't like them don't use them, otherwise you could try making your own

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Guest Marril

1. The first amendment (free speech) denotes that if you have an opinion of something you, may say it. (I'm not abusing this rule, BTW).

2. I like them, and you did a good job, but it's mostly the cockpits I'm not especially find of.


<small>gee, wrong forum... ¬_¬</small>



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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Guest JC_DeadEye

Turn'em off then. And if you like blue ions, install that one and not the purple one.



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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Fighters with cockpits built like those cockpits would be notoriously difficult to see out of. Like Junkers Stukas in WWII had cockpits shaped like the Y-Wings and you could see out of them at all. So a cockpit with horrible visibility is more "realistic".


And if the purple ions bug you go with blue...(I did that just so i wouldn't get confused and think i was looking at a warhead or something)



I don't need a fancy title. I'm better than you and you know it.


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Guest Marril

rolleyes.gif It's just the X-Wing cockpit I'm not especially fond of, because the default one had so much visibility.


And I gave you a compliment about the Z-95, because you can actually leave the cockpit on in a fight...



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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My friend, But have you not looked at all the differance in detail!?


X-Wing: Well, it was based on a Star Wars referance drawing.

Y-WIng: What do you mean? I think it looks great. Please, we worked our heads off on this. So, such a description is not accrepiated.

B-Wing: So? Did the SWMA look any different

Rockets: b]Please[/b] zoom in or look at our screenshots. The thing is small, but it is different. This is goes for all of the warheads.

Bombs: We never claimed to change them.


I'm rather offended about this post. You've probably didn't look at the things on a detailed level. If you want to point out these things, please post it in our own forum. Sorry if you're offended by this is post, I was by yours.



Webmaster of OPT Review.com . Also staff member at the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project.

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Guest Marril

Jeez, for the last time: I DID LOOK aT THE THINGS!!!


The only thing I don't really like is the X-Wing'g cockpit! For cripe's sake!!! Let me piece apart my topic:


X-Wing: I compimented you people on the outside, but the cockpit looks like a wall (this is the ONLY thing I don't really like)

A-Wing: this was a total compliment, I was telling you how great it looks.

Y-Wing: from the cockpit, it FEELS like what I said is true.

Z-95: see A-Wing.

B-Wing: I was used to the B-Wing having a bluish colour, and the white was a bit of a shock (beings gtet used to seeing the same thing over and over and over)

Lasers: right, I can't argue, red bolts all look the same to me.

Ions: jeez laweez, I was making a civil comment.

Missiles: that was also a compliment, the TG missiles look like lasers.

Torps: see B-Wing (take out the colour comment, though)

Rockets: I refuse to comment.

Bombs: I didn't see anywhere where you said you didn't change them (I didn't check much, eigher >.<)



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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Guest DarthHulkster

I have to admit, the ships, cockpits, ect. were kick @$$. You guys out performed LEC by a long shot. But I do have to say that the X-Wing is hard to see out of. I haven't tried the others though. The cockpit was well put together just, it feels like a cage. If you have to fly inside a ship ect, DSII, It's almost impossible. I'm not saying you guys did a horrible job.

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Guest Fondas

I recently took a look at the new detailed rebel models and their cockpits. One thing is for certain : The XWAUpgrade team has made an enormous effort, a lot of work and imagination but... no matter if the creators think that they perfected what LA had left unfinished, everybody has the right to like it or not !

I have to admit that Marril came hard on them, at least in his first post. IMO none of the reactions were sufficiently justified.





[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited August 22, 2000).]

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Guest Ms. Talon

Marril, I think your original post could have been PHRASED better...it DID come across like an ungrateful whine, so you have to understand the reactions of the people who have laboured long and hard to give us the RFP.


*Re: The Y-Wing cockpit: If you read the X-Wing novels the coffin-like feel of the cockpits is a "real" issue, so the new cockpit is actually accurately reflecting that. (Other Rebel pilots call Y-W pilots "Pig-drivers", refering both to the Y-W's slow speed and the huge blind spots of the cockpit view.)


*Re: The X-Wing cockpit: If you look at how shallow the canopy is, the new cockpit is, again, accurately reflecting the line of sight.








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YOU actually don't have to like it, there is no such thing in the disclaimer. But like Talon said we tried to come close to the real thing actually thats all we tried to do. I personaly think we did a great job and yes you will have less sight in some fighters and more in others but hey we didn't design these crafts we just tried to copy them as good as we could smile.gif.




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

"Only feel sorry about things you didn't do"

Star Wars Space Sim Guide




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