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A few new XWAUP screens

Guest Ms. Talon

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Nice shooting Talon now please get me some of my Z-95 i don't think i have seen any non-XWAUP made screenshots of it jet frown.gif i really would like to see some, i really do smile.gif




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

"Only feel sorry about things you didn't do"

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Guest Morfeo

Grettings Jedi Knight.


I have boths the new SSD and the rebels fighters. They are great indeed! I also know how to get those TIEs with the colors markings, but I desided not to download those.


I don't have the rebel cruisers however. Are they avaliable to the public, or are those preliminary mobels. There is one cruiser in particular that looks impressive to say the least.


Thanks is advance.



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