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Ow! Ow! Ow!

Guest Thrawn

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Guest Thrawn

OWWWWWW! Today, while we were running in gym class this really funny junior (Matt) spit right on this other kid's (Jesse) shirt! It was so funny that we all started laughing. I turned to look at Matt, just as we went around a bent in the sidewalk around the school. I tripped on the edge of the sidewalk and busted my knee. It's not broken, just very bloody and swelled. It hurt. . . alot. I had to keep running too, which didn't help. . . And I have to do a "mile run" for gym tomorrow! WAAAHHHHHHHH!!! :ball:

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Guest Thrawn

BTW, that was about 2:00 that that happened and it's now 3:15. . . I hope it stops bleeding (not to mention hurting) soon. :(

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Guest Gamma732

In a Nelson(from The Simpsons) voice........"Ha ha!"


J/k That really stinks...I've had my share of gym injuries through the years too...its not fun. Once back when I had braces, me and someone accidentally ran into each other during basketball and....well to spare all the gory details, my mouth almost needed stitches :(

Its been over an hour and hasen't stopped bleeding? I hope you don't need stitches or anything......

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Guest Hannibal

You had to keep running!!! That's abuse!


When I was in elementary I fell off a table and the corner hit me in the back. I collapsed unable to walk and my teacher pretty much didn't care. (Oh, and before anyone says it, I know I shouldn't have been on the table. Hey I was a kid. :))

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Guest DS_StarViper

thats what u get for laughing at people

hell after I laughed at the mods I was leening in my chair and fell over.





The lesson here is don't laugh at people

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Guest Warlord

Hurt your knee thats nothing, I was doing the gymnastic unit(stupid idea) in gym, and I was doing a headstand, while this fat kid over 300, make an attempt at a cart wheel, and landed on me and crushed my neck in to the gym floor, btw it was just the beginning of class no mats out yet. I was on the ground unable to move. I was paralyzed until I got to the hospital, where they had to adjust my spine. FUN DAY FOR ME! BTW i am perfectly fine now, I just hate gymnastics, and fat kids involved with it(lol) jk- sorry of that affended anyone

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Guest Hannibal

Yeah Warlord. My god! :eek: I was able to walk again a couple of minutes later. Mine sounds like nothing now. But it sounded like nothing before too.

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Guest oninosensi

Once I walked to school, and didn't hurt myself and had a good day.
















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