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Calling Ms Talon...(again).............


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About a month ago or longer we talked about Matt's SSD having (8) sheild generators at the time I thought it was a good idea.. now I agree it is too tedious, need your help in reducing the number of sheild generators from (8) to 6 possibly to 4. How do I change the stats in MxvTED 3.10 to do this???

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Guest Ms. Talon

OK, under the .OPT tab, there is a box with a row of numbers called "mesh". If you click on the numbers you will find that they corresponds to the ship's systems. Find the ones that read as "shield generators" and change them to something different. Now, I have already re-edited it to have 6 generators, so I could e-mail it to you if you'd like. Just let me know.






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Thank you.....Ms Talon, I kept the Main (2) generators plus the (2) rear Generators I went from (8) to (4)...I know that's the cowards way-out but it was getting tedious..besides, taking down a SSD is bad enough. But now I know how to change the stats...thanks again!

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