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Problems playing MI1 & MI2


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Hi everyone. I recently purchased a TFT monitor but to my horror, none of my old Lucasarts games work! A message pops up on screen 'out of timing'. It works fine on the later versions of the game.


I know this isnt exactly what this forum is for but I've been searching the web for hours trying to find a solution.


Any ideas?



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the game shouldn't have anything to do with the monitor, but more probably the operating system you're using. if it's XP, then it's a common problem with a common fix. Go here and download ScummVM Q+E and run it through that. (don't forget to click the daily build after downloading the problem, otherwise it won't work)

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Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! Everythings working fine now.


Stupid me. I didnt think it would be a problem with the software as the games appeared to work fine on my old monitor and with the older version of ScummVM.


Thanks again.






Originally posted by Joshi

the game shouldn't have anything to do with the monitor, but more probably the operating system you're using. if it's XP, then it's a common problem with a common fix. Go here and download ScummVM Q+E and run it through that. (don't forget to click the daily build after downloading the problem, otherwise it won't work)

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