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my newest favorite ship....

Guest Rogue15

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It's the R-41, it's not as cheap to replace, it's go ion cannons, laser cannons, missile cannons, and it goes as fast as the x-wing, or not. And it's in mysteries of the sith, it's Abron Mar's ship of choice, and it looks cool. I have one thing that i don't like about x-wing alliance: Why do almost all the cockpits look alike (example, the firespray, gunboat, and r-41 all have the same exact cockpit) is it supossed to be like that?

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R-41 is definately a good ship, but it's sheilds are a little bit thin. Though Lasers & Ions do make up for that.


The cockpits are the same, IMO, because the designers either got lazy or didn't have the time to do them...

I never really liked the generic cockpit, it's a bit boring.

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Guest DarthHulkster

Don't forget, XWA was a rushed game. Lucasarts wanted it release ASAP so Episode 1 games could go into production. If they had more time, they probably would have done a hell of a better job.

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Heck, if TG had all the time in the world, then XWAUP would be a step down...


Anyway, R-41s are fun to kill *plays that Kiliimar mission in TIE Fighter one more time*



"And it came to pass that the Wrath of Oingo Boingo fell upon the land. And Oingo Boingo cried out and said, "Behold, I have a wrath and I have fallen out upon your land." And the villagers of the land were frightened and proclaimed to Oingo Boing, "Behold, we are frightened, because you have a wrath and have fell upon our land." And Oingo Boingo answered to them, "Its because of you being frightened because of my wrath and falling out upon your land, that I shall destroy you." And Oingo Boingo did so. And it was NOT good, for all those who did see the great Oingo Boingo fell to his wrath."

-Tyais 3:16


Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.



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