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More Star Wars Dvd's Out This Week


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Hey guys the ewok adventures tele-movies our out on DVD this week

and along with that lucasfilm has released the droid and the ewok

animanted adventures as well to.I guess

that I will get the EWOK ADVENTURES

tele-movies on DVD instead since I

loved to watch those everytime they

come on ABC and then later on the disney

channel. And to Wal-Mart has these

classic STAR WARS DVD'S at a really low

price only at $9.38 now thats a bargin

compared to the price of the star wars

Triolgy so I might get the Ewok movies

to make up for missing the star wars

DVD's and to the ewok movies

caravan of courage and the battle

for endor our on one DVD let me know

if you plan to get these thanks...........

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