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USS Reliant with Weapons array, but need help

Guest TK421

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Hi folks,


I've rebuilt the Miranda-class with the weapon array




But I can't get the damn turrets to work (even though I got them to work on the Stargazer now) and the problem really has me stumped. There's little point in releasing the OPT until I get this problem fixed, so if anyone can help - please read my topic in the Editing Corner.


The Opt will be immediately ready for download once this problem is resolved.



"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"

TK's OPT Factory

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Heh. That's pretty freakin' awesome, TK! Does it have rear-firing missiles as well?



When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

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Hey Vark, long time no see my friend


It doesn't have rear-firing right now, but I thought about adding it, all it should take (in theory) is a ROTLAUNCHER mesh on the rear end. Course I gotta get the phasers working first.


seen my B'rel class Bird of Prey in my other topics?



"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"

TK's OPT Factory

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Could you explain a little more about the Hardpoints being correct K_K.


Each turret (each a very very small cube mesh) has a single RebelLaser attached to the front face of the turret, Mesh-Rotation has been checked for each turret (upper turrets have +Z axis, lower turrets have -Z axis) as per basic guidelines in the ACE_Dxf Guide.


Is there more to do?



Taking into account the relative firepower and size of the ships I think their fairly well balanced against each other, but against XWA ships you are probably right.


Miranda class

Shield: 250 SBD

Hull: 60 RU

Speed: 55 MGLT

Agility: 45 DPF


Constellation class

Shield: 350 SBD

Hull: 65 RU

Speed: 75 MGLT

Agility: 55 DPF


Bird Of Prey

Shield: 200 SBD

Hull: 40 RU

Speed: 100 MGLT

Agility: 70 DPF


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