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Is there a Patch that.....

Guest KyleStyle

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Guest KyleStyle

Hey does anyone know if there is a patch that lets you skip any mission and if so include a link to it and if you know tell me if there is a risk that might screw up your game.

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Guest Wraith 5

Last i remeber you could skip any rebel mission, but you had to do the family missions.



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.

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Guest garyah99

Like wraith said, you can skip up to 3 rebel missions, but none of the family ones. If you want more than that you need an editor. Personally, I don't see why anyone would want to skip missions. If you're having trouble with a particular mission, try selecting "invulnerability" or "unlimited ammo". That should get you through just about anything.

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Guest frogman153

Go into the missions folder and open missions.ini and you can delete any mission you want (including family missions) but be sure to change the number of all the missions after the one you deleted. rolleyes.gif

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