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One girl's take on MI5 . . . .


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Okay, I've been a hardcore fan of MI since I was a little girl. I also was disappointed in MI4 (which the majority of us seem to be, gathering from what I've read thus far . . . . I only joined today), so MI5 needs to get back to what made the series brilliant, it's comedy and bizarre plot twists. We all agree on a mouse-based interface and 2-D graphics with the stunning backgrounds we all grew to love (MI 1-3). [as a side note, I've got and play on my X-box and all that, but I do miss the days of King's Quest, Space Quest, Monkey Island, Zork, etc.] So lets have some fun and add some plot to this, lets inject some meat and potatoes with our grog shall we? How about a pregnant Elaine. LeChuck must join forces with GBTW for some reason. Say there's some sort of evil debacle where all the island's grog-ery stills are being used to pump out some sort of mutant grog. Elaine's baby must be named, but the Voodoo priestess says that the baby's name must be it's clandestine name, and only GBTW can find out what the name should be, and if the wrong name is chosen, then the islands will face certain doom. (leave it open for baby GBTW sequels?) The location of Murrey's body is found in one of Stan’s old filing cabinet’s in his new Baby Pirate Nursery business.





Oh geesh, I could go on forever here, but I think I could use some help . . . . .



If I had some chump change I'd buy the licensing rights and of course hire all of you as official unpaid content advisors. I can work with admin if anyone needs a fast desk jockey. I'm sure we could produce a real crowd-pleaser.



Elaine Marley's twin grog-swelling sister she never knew she had,

Elaine . . . . :elaine:

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Originally posted by Cowgirl_KC

LeChuck must join forces with GBTW for some reason.


Future creative talent writer here saying that elaine should be kidnapped by some new (or old, I'm looking the way of Largo here) villain making Guybrush team up with Lechuck... that would just be funny.

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