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Finishing the Game

Guest mjn2

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How many people have completed XWA


The final for missions are so cool


But in ROTJ does the falcon actually help destroy the Executor as you have to do in the 2nd mission of the last campain.


Also in the Death Star run when wedge and the falcon have destroyed the reactor do they leave from the same tunnel as the came in on as in the game or do they go out the other side.




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no the falcon did not help destroy the Executor.


A massive assult by Rebel Allaince Captail ships, Did a double broadside of the Exeutor (you can see it in ROTJ) and also multiple fighter strafing runs, not to metion a Crippled A-wing ramming into the bridge casue the Executor to Lose control, and crash into the Death Star II


The Falcon and Wedge's X-wing came in to the Main Reactor chamber (wedge was in the lead) They both looped around the Reactor Core itself, and headed out the Same direction.


The XWA game made the mission a BIT more diffucult by putting Beams a girders in the way, and making it so you couldn't leave the DS II without having to go thru a fresh Tunnel (with beams) at less then full throttle

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I finished it. I still wish it was one mission though.



You were expecting a creative sig?


Rogue 6

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Guest garyah99

I've completed the game several times. I agree with Thrawn though, I think the DSII assault should have been in one, huge mission rather than breaking it down into 4 parts.

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It would have also been good if in the last four misions all the star destroyers in the background where real instead of being drawn onto the backgroung. I know in the later of the four missions there are more of them that you can destroy.


It was the feeling it gave you to hyper into endor and see the death star and then breaking of the attack and seeing all those star destroyers in the background it was so cool. It did ruine it a bit as most of the star destroyers where just drawn in.


It would have been good to see them have a fight with the rebel fleet on a grand scale


I know this would have been difficult to progam and you would need a powerful computer to play this on. I can still dream though

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It think that it is a good idea to put the BOE in 4 missions.I sont want to have to fly to the Death Star or it would take forever.It would be cool if you can hit the DS's shields.And it would be nice if the TIEs came from hangers instead of 'hypering' in.There should be a part were you navigate through the suface then go inside.

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