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Favorite ships to use..

Guest Rogue15

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Heh - Commander 598 - love the picture..


And skipray is good. Have to say its joint 1st at moment..



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Looking back over the topic, I noticed this little gem...


Originally posted by Tigris:

We, the 181st like the Tie Interceptor most. He's just fast, well armed and blasts any Rebel Scum to death... Anyone who says they'll ever forget their first encounter with a TIE is lieing, that sound is everlasting!


Greetings to

Nova, Wraith and Rogue Sqd.- We'll meet again and only our pilots will be able to tell of it.


Yub, Yub Commander



Cheers for the hello - cant say the feelings mutual - you guys are good, but we're better.


And, err - last time I met a 181st TIE/I, I blew him to crap !!! He got a twin burst of All Linked 3 Ions and 3 Blasters ! HE wont EVER remember his first encounter with Nova Squadron !!!


And as for meeting you guys again - no thanks, we got bigger fish to fry - try your BASE OF OPS STARSHIP !!!! Try finding the Rogues and Wraiths if you aint got no Base of Ops to ferry your non-hyperdrive equipped starfighters !



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Guest Starsaber

Your sig is mispelled.

Its supposed to be Nova not Nove

Me well I like a SSD or a Colossus Warship. biggrin.gif





Starsaber,Hero of the Universe

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What? The SSD? Who needs a SSD anymore?

The magic word is:









Now, if you need a Capital than take this one... One problem left: It's our "base" of operation. So Nova... Come to papa!


Yub, Yub Commander!



181th will archive the last outstanding goal... They will be freeing the universe of the plaque called Rebellion.

And I'm proud of being part of the Emperors fist

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At least the same importance is the skill of the pilots... And who had better training?

Rebels shooting wombrats or us Imperials in the best simulators?



And why are those Nove(should really be an "a" there) still suffering so high casualties? I spend more time counting extra-vehiculars than actually fighting them...


And those warhead you use against Capitals: No missle can outfly me in my Tie Inteceptor... And just think about the Missleboat with engaged Slams!!!


There went the only possibility those rebel pretenders had...

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I don't believe !


Nova (novA - okay - I corrected it - check my sig.), one of the best ubits in the New Republic fleet, is being falmed by a newbie with all of, um, lets see - FIVE posts !


Chewbaca will be spinning in his grave !


It's just this sort of disregard for the B-wing that has finally made me decide to write the history behind it (see the XWA Movies forum, 'Enter the B-Wing' for more details).


And as for Eclipse II - istn't that just a little bit of over kill ?


And Eclipse isn't exactly *****-whipped !


Even we at Nova start to crap ourselves when that word is mentioned in conjunction with 'class destroyer'.

ell - Home 1 would chicken out....



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Yes, that are "only" 5 posts... Haven't had much time- there is so much Nova cannon fodd...- er.. I mean Nova Pilots around.


So when I'm out there shooting your friends to pieces - you better stay here and post wink.gif



Only to get that straight...

Anyway... Those Tie/Exp1 (the one with the turbolaser)- I really begin to like them... especially with the X-Wing upgrade... (http://www.xwaupgrade.com)

Must recommend that site... the models are really good!



181th will archive the last outstanding goal... They will be freeing the universe of the plaque called Rebellion.

And I'm proud of being part of the Emperors fist

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Has a little too weak shields for me... but then... who needs shields wink.gif



181th will archive the last outstanding goal... They will be freeing the universe of the plaque called Rebellion.

And I'm proud of being part of the Emperors fist

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If you're attack something big like a factory, then the Toscan is the way to go. with all 6 linked... WAHOO! Lousy for dogfights though

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Isn't the B-Wing better 4 those actions? It doesn't break as easy to pieces... (I really hate those Turbos... they shread any incoming missles to crap... no long distance shots...)



181th will archive the last outstanding goal... They will be freeing the universe of the plaque called Rebellion.

And I'm proud of being part of the Emperors fist

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Guest Shooter

That's why you gotta fire your warheads "blind". The only reason those turbos know that your warheads are there is because the warhead itself is tracking the target. If you want to hit a big ship from long range, you'll have to boresight without using your CMD, and if it's moving then you'll have to judge the deflection required for the distance involved. IMHO I was rather pleased when I first saw my warheads being nailed before they hit anything, it just makes sense for a ship to defend itself whenever possible.


Originally posted by Tigris:

Isn't the B-Wing better 4 those actions? It doesn't break as easy to pieces... (I really hate those Turbos... they shread any incoming missles to crap... no long distance shots...)




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I know... But still it is rather unrealistic (judging from books and movies)

That was the point I wanted to make clear..



181th will archive the last outstanding goal... They will be freeing the universe of the plaque called Rebellion.

And I'm proud of being part of the Emperors fist

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Guest chaosdd

My heart is with the Alliance, but I like the Imperial starfighters best. For me the best fighter in the game is T/A(except T/D of course, but it is so good that it's unfair). T/A is faster and more maneuvrable than any rebel figher, has enormous firepower, which can be compared only with B-Wing, and has got quite decent shielding and warhead load. The Interceptor is also great - outstanding maneuvrability, speed and firepower. This is enough, who needs shielding smile.gif))). From the rebel fighters I like the A and X-Wings. The A-wing is perfect for dogfight - I love to fly it. The legendery X-Wing is the most complex fighter in the game - really multy-purpose. The B-wing is great in shielding and firepower but for dogfight it sucks - can be outmaneuvred by nearly any other imperial or rebel fighter. Anyway, it's quite a good craft,great for heavy assault but too slow for me - I like dogfights and would be glad to provide cover fora B-wing scuadron for example smile.gif))). ...in the cockpit of an A-Wing smile.gif))

That's it, I'm sure you are already tyred from my post, ......so am I smile.gif


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Guest chaosdd

NOVA, if you wanna deal with Interceptors, try flying A-Wings. The B-Wing is desgned for heavy assault against capital ships and needs cover from fighers, although it can deal to some extend with enemy fighters.

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Guest M.A. 2000

Originally posted by JC_DeadEye:

XWAU? Buncha junk there.



You gotta not let K_K or any XWAU guy see this. At least I have already seen this so...as Dr. Evazan says: "You'll be dead!!!"


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Thanks M.A. 2000 wink.gif

You see I'm not the only one liking XWAU here!!



181th will archive the last outstanding goal... They will be freeing the universe of the plaque called Rebellion.

And I'm proud of being part of the Emperors fist

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I like it but there takin so damn long!I don't want any long lecture about that it does take time.But i've seen 3D Modeler make this in about a month!From scratch!


Last time I checked they haven't even finishede the Imperial Fighter patch and its been 3-4 months or longer!





"Growing Older is Mandatory, Growing Up is Optional."

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Guest JC_DeadEye

Commander598:I like it but there takin so damn long!I don't want any long lecture about that it does take time.But i've seen 3D Modeler make this in about a month!From scratch!


*cough* Yeah, a month, but look, he didn't have to texture in ACEdxf, and most of the textures were probably made in his software package by point and click color and effects mixing instead of being hand painted in Photoshop or something like that.


M.A.2000: You gotta not let K_K or any XWAU guy see this---XWAU? Buncha junk there. At least I have already seen this so...as Dr. Evazan says: "You'll be dead!!!"


Gotcha! I was wondering when anybody would go up in arms over that. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif It's me JC. If you remember from the XWAU forums, my um "humor" is a bit strange. biggrin.gif



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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Guest JC_DeadEye

btw, the IFP is still on schedule for a Januaury 19, 2008 release.


Also for K_K's information, the main thing holding the patch is texturing. Takes a long time. We've basically got all the models we need though.

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