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Gamers: What do YOU rate KotOR II?


How do YOU rate TSL (on a scale from 1 to 10)  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. How do YOU rate TSL (on a scale from 1 to 10)

    • 10 (This game is godly!)
    • 9 (I can't get enough! It's one of the best gaves I've played!)
    • 8 (Wow! So many good things, so few bad things)
    • 7 (It was pretty good...)
    • 6 (Eh - It was OK but I've played better)
    • 5 (Mid-level gaming experience)
    • 4 (Well...That was disappointing!)
    • 3 (TSL was like a broken pencil : Pointless!)
    • 2 (Ewwwwwwwwwwww!)
    • 1 (I had more fun last time I got my toe jammed under a door.)

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Yeah it would be nice if it lasted as long as Final Fantasy...I stopped following are they up to number 12 now or something?


But most likely they will do a trilogy and that's it. Star wars seems to be full of trilogies...


However, a game WAY before KotOR times would be cool too...before the Republic even.


Or maybe right at the creation of the Republic and you can play as one of the founders or something like that. It would be interesting... ;) I think.

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The ending sucked yes but there was more to it than that. Too much of the plot was either left out entirely, or repeated, or repeated too much. It just jumps around at times. The problem is obviously that they didn't have a enough time for play-testing, or else they wouldn't have left so many things that didn't make any sense.



For example, the scene where Kriea gets beaten by Scion and the other guy, and she can't get her lightsaber to come to her because the force has left her, isn't in the game the first time you play it through. It should have been because it leaves to many questions about who the masked sith lord is and why scion wants to kill her and why she was so level when the game started and why scion didn't kill her when she returned to the sith academy on telos. There's just too many little things that are arbitrary or taken for granted in the plot. Yes, the game was meant to be played through more than once, but it still should have been comprehendible on the first time through. But it just wasn't, and the only explanation I can come up with is that they didn't play-test it enough. There should have been a balance between not having a clue and seeing the whole picture, even on the first time through the game. But the whole game, both the technical and the plotline, are unbalanced. Which, for me, is far worse than the anti-climactic ending.


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Now that I'm near the end I can comment more. It is good and a lot of fun save the following:


1. It keeps dying on me, might be my XBOX but then again no other game dies every 15 minutes.


2. I had lots of frame rate slow downs at points during the game.


3. Way, way, way too easy. Dark sider all you do is hit any foes with insanity, force storm, force strom and it is over. Add Force Crush and it is crazy easy.


4. NPC's are not as good. Didn't get the attachment to any of them I did in KoTR. I actually felt bad killing Jolee after he asked me, "Don't make me do this kid". HK-47 doesn't have nearly as many good lines.


5. Buggy, the extra attack bug is annoying since it makes me play a lot more like I'm soloing the whole thing since I don't want to manage my other party members since it gets my guy killed. I had a few quests not be "finishable" until I reloaded and replayed lots of space.


I think the PC folks will get a better deal with a much more stable product.

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Originally posted by Zonzai

The ending sucked yes but there was more to it than that. Too much of the plot was either left out entirely, or repeated, or repeated too much. It just jumps around at times. The problem is obviously that they didn't have a enough time for play-testing, or else they wouldn't have left so many things that didn't make any sense.



For example, the scene where Kriea gets beaten by Scion and the other guy, and she can't get her lightsaber to come to her because the force has left her, isn't in the game the first time you play it through. It should have been because it leaves to many questions about who the masked sith lord is and why scion wants to kill her and why she was so level when the game started and why scion didn't kill her when she returned to the sith academy on telos. There's just too many little things that are arbitrary or taken for granted in the plot. Yes, the game was meant to be played through more than once, but it still should have been comprehendible on the first time through. But it just wasn't, and the only explanation I can come up with is that they didn't play-test it enough. There should have been a balance between not having a clue and seeing the whole picture, even on the first time through the game. But the whole game, both the technical and the plotline, are unbalanced. Which, for me, is far worse than the anti-climactic ending.


well i got that scene first time through...

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