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Questions about KOTOR2.


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I got two questions about the game, can you lucky ones who already have it help me out?


1. Do you get either power attack, flurry or critical strike for free at 1st level depending on which class you choose (like in KOTOR1, if you are a soldier for instance you get power attack) or do you start out with neither of them?


2. Since you start out as a Jedi, do you get force powers from the 1st level?

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I don't believe either of these answers qualify as spoilers so I didn't use the spoiler tag. Apologies in advance if they should've been... :)


Originally posted by Grishnakh

I got two questions about the game, can you lucky ones who already have it help me out?


1. Do you get either power attack, flurry or critical strike for free at 1st level depending on which class you choose (like in KOTOR1, if you are a soldier for instance you get power attack) or do you start out with neither of them?


The Jedi Sentinal starts with the base level of all three attacks; can't speak for the other two classes--yet. ;)


Originally posted by Grishnakh

2. Since you start out as a Jedi, do you get force powers from the 1st level? [/b]



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I got a couple more questions, if someone wants to answer them.


3(If you count the other two). Are the body-models for the classes the same size or are guardians always big and consulars always small for instance?


4. When you distributed points to the different attributes at the character creation in the last game it cost one point for each, uhm, point up to 14, but then it cost 2 points for 15 and 16 and 3 points for 17 and 18 (I don't think this is the case for the PC version but Xbox gamers should know what I'm talking about). Is this the case for TSL too, or can you start out with a high score in an attribute without loosing valuable points?

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Originally posted by Grishnakh

I got a couple more questions, if someone wants to answer them.


3(If you count the other two). Are the body-models for the classes the same size or are guardians always big and consulars always small for instance?


4. When you distributed points to the different attributes at the character creation in the last game it cost one point for each, uhm, point up to 14, but then it cost 2 points for 15 and 16 and 3 points for 17 and 18 (I don't think this is the case for the PC version but Xbox gamers should know what I'm talking about). Is this the case for TSL too, or can you start out with a high score in an attribute without loosing valuable points?


3- They all aare the same size.


4- Nope, its the same. Like the first game.


And from what Ive seen, all classes get the 3 feats. (Its totally weird.)

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Originally posted by Grishnakh

I don't understand the point with that attribute thing, it just limits your choices if you ask me.

I agree, but that is one of the methods for creating a character in the D20 system and that is what Bioware used in the engine...


Personally, I would prefer to use the method of either rolling 4 6-sided Dice, discarding the lowest die of the 4 dice rolled, for each of the 6 attributes, or rolling 3 6-sided dice 12 times and taking the 6 highest numbers for our attributes, much better methods of character generation IMHO. :D

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Rolling stat generation in a computer game is generally pointless. Some people accept what they're given, but most people spend as much time as it takes rerolling until they get a set of stats they find favorable. Most any random things serve only as an annoyance, in my opinion.


This is why I hate the random merchants and loot in KOTOR2. I find myself compelled to save and reload until the merchant has something that I actually want for two reasons - I don't know that I'll have the opportunity at some point to get X cool item, and it tends to be human nature to go through a great deal of trouble for a minor advantage.

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Originally posted by Koyasha

Rolling stat generation in a computer game is generally pointless. Some people accept what they're given, but most people spend as much time as it takes rerolling until they get a set of stats they find favorable.

Rolling your PC's stats is perfectly acceptable to me, in an RPG the character has to be something you aquired and get attached to, not the lame cookie-cutter clones that they are now with the limited distributed point system.


I would like the rolling options I listed, plus the current option they have, so people with varying styles, like you and me, could choose which ones they want to go with.

Originally posted by Koyasha

Most any random things serve only as an annoyance, in my opinion.


This is why I hate the random merchants and loot in KOTOR2. I find myself compelled to save and reload until the merchant has something that I actually want for two reasons - I don't know that I'll have the opportunity at some point to get X cool item, and it tends to be human nature to go through a great deal of trouble for a minor advantage.

Yes... it can be annoying, especially when we get crap items, and that is the exact reason the randomness is there, so we will spend more time playing the game... and play we will. :dev7:


But the random items are very much a cornerstone of RPG gaming, it's genisis is generally credited with D&D long ago, your reward, also called "treasure," was randomly generated from tables in a book, I find it refreshing OE went with that type of reward system in TSL.

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