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help with steal Tyderium mission

Guest emupiett

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BATTLE 6: Mission 5: Steal Imperial Shuttle



* Craft: Corellian YT-1300 Transport

Shield Rating: 120 SBD

Hull Rating : 76 RU


* Mission Objectives:

Shuttle Tyderium must be located

SC/2 Outpost: Board

Shuttle Tyderium must be captured


PREVENT: CORT Sabra from being ID'd.


* Bonus Points:



* Opponents:

Imperial Star Destroyer II

Imperial TIE-Fighter Squadrons

Imperial TIE-Interceptor Squadrons

Imperial TIE-Bomber Squadrons


* Difficulties:

Keeping the shuttle in one piece.


* Tips:


The first part of the mission is easy, just always target the closest enemy fighter/ship and avoid it. After you have jumped into hyperspace, fly around the station to determine the location of the SHU. Now dock with the space colony (and bump into a ship or 2). Once the SHU has been captured, call for reinforcements. There are a lot of TIE's out there and you can't handle them all by yourself. You must make sure that the T/B don't destroy the SHU. After that's done, you shouldn't experience any more troubles.


- Alternative method of completing the mission -


Instead of docking with the station, pick up the shuttle (like you pick up cargo) then fly

out of the station at full speed (dumping all shields and laser power) ... that way you can stay clear of the bombers. Once you are in range of the jump point, drop the shuttle and continue to fly forward at full speed. Once you are about 20km away from the station turn around (but fly AROUND the bombers or you'll be ID'ed). Then dock with the station (in order to complete the mission objective) while you are docked, recharge cannons and shields to full. Once that is done, head out of there (again at full speed, dumping all energy to the engines). With some fancy flying you should easily make it to the jump point.


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Guest DarthHulkster

Just a little hint, when docking and possibly when ditching the station, it probably wouldn't hurt to brush up on your turret firing. Put on auto-pilot when leaving , more than likley, you'll be going straight for the buoy. I'm not 100% sure, I haven't played the game in quite awhile. Too busy with other games like Goldeneye and Viper Racing.

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Guest emupiett

How can I dock with the shuttle? It is too close to the wall. I never get close enough to pick it up.



[This message has been edited by emupiett (edited January 13, 2001).]

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Guest DarthHulkster

you don't dock with the shuttle, you fly inside the station and dock in the hangar. then your strike team will leave your ship and capture the shuttle. Then just escort the shuttle out of the station and lock on to the buoy, jump in the turrets and blast the imps to heck.

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I had trouble with this level for a year. I think the default level of difficulty is erroneous. Try switching to moderate or hard.


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Guest DarthHulkster

Here's one more tip, remember to get rouge squadron in there once you have the shuttle captured. just call them like you could call anyone else for reinforcements

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