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The Fifth Sweep


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I'm interested to see more of this... and about the Beginning of the Empire, if somebody else would post (Curt-Man or you, I'd be more than willing to continue... if I absolutely have to, I'll double post to bump it... I'm sure Zamar could find something interesting to do while following two Jedi who are following three pirates and being followed by an Imperial...:D

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RK-379 stared over the group of workers that came in through the doors of the Hoth base. All too poor to afford a space ticket somewhere useful, and used the service called "Empire's helping hand". A free ticket to the next destination on the next YX-classed shuttle. What no one knew was that all YX-classed shuttles were used only for "Empire's helping hand", designated to move these poor people to mining-colonies and alike.

LK-558 checked all the new colonists names, before sending them to their barracks.

The effectivness of the Empire. To give its citizens information when they needed it, not before. Exactly like himself.


"Polk Sir!"

RK-379 woke up by the name. Looking over at the man, he saw nothing interesting. Just that he had scars on his face, exact and precise. RK-379 knew how one obtained those scars. By Imperial questioning.

It was something about that name...

"Move along to the Barracks, section 3."

"Thank you Sir!"

A salute and the man hurried down the wrong hallway before another trooper pointed it out for him.


There were fifteen newcomers in total, making the total population of the colony three hundred and five. Not counting RK-379's squad that was.

RK-221 came up to RK-379, saluted and then raported that once again, TK-733 had attacked and killed one of the workers.

RK-379 simply sighed.

"Just give him the regular punishment. A week in the company of the workers. This time we won't protect him."

RK-221 nodded and walked away together with TK-324 to find the crazy trooper.








He stared out over the jungle, taking each deep breath slowly, making the best out of every moment.

Out in the jungle, he could hear how the man came closer, slicing his way through the beauty of the nature, caring only about his target.

He swung his cape behind him, and took the cylinder from its belt, weighing it in his hand.

The man came out of the forest at last, looking around him before finding his target, standing on the top of the temple.

"I didn't signal for back-up! I wanted to kill you myself!"

The Guardian was dressed in the Guardian uniform, with bronze streaks over it, which meant he was one of the most honored.

"You might find that hard Guardian. We Jedi aren't as weak as you have been told."

The Guardian spat on the ground, and with a mighty leap got to the top of the temple, igniting his red saber.

"You are the last one aren't you? Yes... I can feel it... I can hear the tide finally change. No more Jedi's, only Guardians."

The Guardian slashed at the Jedi, but wasn't prepared to be hindered by the Force, making his saber stop in the middle of the air.

Looking down at his stomach, the Guardian saw a green blade sticking out from a hilt, tightly held in the Jedi's hand.

"What you heard was the tide, indeed. But it was for my favor, not yours..."

The Jedi pulled out the saber, making his opponent fall dead to the ground. One down, another ninety-nine to go.

"I'm coming! The tide has changed!"

He shouted it out. He, Jeshan would make the change start. He would not be worth less than any other Jedi.

Clouds gathered on the sky, and soon heavy rain fell over the empty temple. A ship was seen shoot out from it, away into the stars.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With a thud Senator 53 fell to the ground with the syringe sticking out of his neck.

Aliss checked the man for any vital signs before she started her comlink.

"Is it done?"

Aliss was surprised at first, but then realized that the comlink was probably created in that sole purpose. She answered and requested the ride she had been promised. The comlink died and five seconds after, a small craft hovered outside the senator's bedroom. Opening the balcony door, she slipped into the red speeder, which soon moved into the ongoing traffic.

She realized she was sitting next to a Rodian, and the one driving the speeder was a Ithorian, zooming away from the more trafficked pathways.

"Did anyone see you?"

Aliss shook her head.

"Everything went exactly as planned."

The Rodian nodded, and then lounged at her whilst pulling a blaster out of his clothes.

Aliss was surprised at first, but quickly knocked the blaster out of the Rodian's hand, before sending him out the passenger-window with a push of her legs.

The driver fumbled with a blaster, got hold of it but didn't have time to shoot as Aliss jumped him, hitting one of his eyes.

Crying out in agony, Aliss had time to take the blaster which had fallen to the floor, and fired several shots at the Ithorian before opening the driver's window and pushing it out.

The speeder had luckily been on auto-pilot, and was zooming calmly through the streets. No one had seen the bodies flying past their speeders in the hectic traffic.

Aliss had been back-stabbed by her client, but why?

Obviously they didn't think she could beat two thugs, but the fight had been easy because of her never-ending practicing.

They don't know who they are messing with.

Someone would pay for this. She wanted her 750.000 credits, even if it meant collecting it from the cold dead hands of her client.

Turning the speeder around, she zoomed towards a bar where she had been supposed to be dropped off. An ambush was probably there, just in case, but she needed information, and the thugs at the bar might have had some.

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