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KOTOR 2 - Someone help me understand the story...


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That's the principal "importance" of the Exile: Preserving the Galaxy strong, or weaken it to the core.

Hmmm... I think the importance is deeper than that.


Certainly the Exile's actions can impact the Republic - call it the Goto effect - to stabilize the political and security situations. If the Exile addresses the fuel crisis on Citadel station, and fights to preserve the Queen's government in Onderon, then the Republic may yet live to fight another day. If the Exile supports Vaklu, sides with the mercenaries, ignores the fuel situation... well, Goto predicts the Republic will implode in a month.


This is not the biggest impact that the Exile has on the Galaxy, however. Few in the Republic understand what is going on with the Sith (the poser Sith, not the *true* Sith) at Malachor V. The Trayus Acadamy teaches the Sith Assasin to hunt force sensitives, and the lessons of hunger create abominations of power like Darth Nihilus. The Trayus core is the ultimate "wound in the force" - Malachor is fed by the death and breaking of jedi, draining the force to feed its dark power. The Exile, therefore, has the ultimate choice to make: destroy Malachor and the force cancer that festers there, or harness the dark power of the place to twist and corrupt force users and threaten the entire galaxy.


The light-side ending of TSL shows the shattering of the planetoid and the dissipation of the energy there. It might not be as well known a threat as the Star Forge was, might not have been the focus of a great battle of cruisers and dreadnoughts in the void between the stars, but Malachor V represented a much greater threat to life, the universe, and everything. The light-side ending might not just herald the salvation of the Republic, but might represent saving the Force itself. If the force-void is filled, then the echo will cease to ring.


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The Exile was once a strong in a force Jedi who had a unique skill - he could create special "bonds" with anybody he met - he could feel what they did, he knew what they thought. He did not do it on purpose. He could create such a bond just by talking with somebody.


When the mandalore wars began he joined Revan and Malak in their fight. He became one of the Generals of the republic army.

He was the one who ordered to destroy Malachor V - to kill all life on it -humans , aliens , mandalorian and republic sodiers.


The Exile was connectet(with force bonds) to most of men on the planet - and he felt their death. In horrible pain he disconnected himselph from the Force - but the death of milions was still inside him - because of the bond he had with each one of them.


Exile died. All that remained was but a shell.


Force is an energy of life but he had it no longer. He beceame a shell thrown out of the sea - he could hear the distant echo but he could no longer feel the sea.


Exile *existed* only thanks to death, he feed on death just like Darth Nihilus. Wherever he went death followed him as. He became stronger with it.


Everything bad - wars, fights etc. - that happened in KOTOR 2 was because of the Exile. Every living enemy he killed could not go back to the force - he *stole* their energy and became stronger (that's why he leveled much faster than Revan in KOTOR 1 :) )



And with every death the Force was weakaned forever - because of the wound that couldn't be healed. Because the deat could not go back to the circle of life.


That's why the council wanted to destroy him (but how they wanted to disconnect him form the Force AGAIN I do not know)


As for Kreia - she was a Jedi but she was exiled afther Revan fell (he was her student). She found a way to use Force once agin (the echo) and became a sith lord. She didn't want to destroy the force - she just wanted to free herselph from it. She wanted to use it not be used by it.


I gues she wanted to bypass "There is no luck - there is the Force". She was disgusted with the idea that all she did, all she thought was what "some Force" wanted.




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I must say that I'm dissapointed...


The story is full of holes and is too streched!




How come I can't tell the Jedi Masters about Kreia and what she told me about the Sith Lords?


How come Kavarr never notices her - she comes with me in the throne room?


How the hell can she kill 3 Jedi MASTERS in one second?


How the hell can they even think of striping the Force from you after saving Tanis, Onderon and Dantooine? They didn't know for sure you were harmfull - all they had was theories.


Isn't Darth Nihilus WAY overpowered? Draining the life off whole planets ina instant. Killing dozens of Jedi and millions of force Sensitives just like that?


Isn't Sion allso overpowered? I mean, I chop him up with a lightsaber and he resises back again...and again.. The Force can't ressurect!


Isn't the whole idea of the "void in the Force" utterly stupid?


Doesn't the whole storyline kinda kill the first part?.. It completely mixes the feel of the KOTOR1 ending.


As Yoda said, the future is allways in motion, impossible to really see, since it's not set. You can see the most probably possibilities, but you can't be 100% sure.


Why the hell do you have to leave and fight the true Sith? Where are they?


What was that crap from Kreia about the final battle at the end of time? Leaving across the rim of known space where others cant follow? Looks like someone has been readin too much Sillmarillion/LOTR...



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1. Its not really necisarry, and would divert from the problem at hand.


2. She came with you? For me she stayed in the courtyard. Said she "needed to rest".


3. She didn't really "kill" them, she kind of erased them from the force. But with that considered she is a powerful Sith Lord, who has studied the darkest Sith methods. She must know many terrible sith techniques.


4. Because those planets are nothing compared to the death of the force itself. They had solid proof that the exile would bring death to the force (didn't you listend to what they said?).


5. It depends entirely on what your perspective of "Overpowered" is. Isn't the exile way overpowered, killing hundreds of seasoned warriors with extreme ease?


6. No, I don't believe it can. Sion was using the force and his sheer force of will to stay alive, and vow to rise and keep fighting if struck down.


7. No, not really. :p


8. Yeah, kinda. I gave me the feeling that the K1 ending was part of something much much bigger.


9. Thats not a question. :rolleyes:


10. Because thats where Revan went. I suppose we have to wait until K3 to find out where they are.


11. I'm not sure exactly what you mean. When Revan left, he know he couldn't bring anyone he held dear to him because they would be put in terrible peril. Kreia is telling the exile to do the same, I think.


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No offense, but still utter crap.


Don't get me wrong, I like the game - they improved upon KOTOR 1 in many ways (better charachters, better party feel with different charachter control, beter animations, etc..) , but they completely messed up the story (too many plot holes, it's far les sbelivabel than any other SW thing I've seen, charachter relations are rather shallow.except for Kreia)

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Ok, here is my question:



I understand that Kreia wanted to use me to destroy or kill the Force. And I understand why. But I don't understand the how. I kept expecting at the end for her to make some sort of offer for me to join her in some Sith ritual to kill the Force, or tell me how she was going to use me to do it. But she doesn't - all she says at the end is we have to fight, master vs. pupil.


So how is she going to accomplish her goal of using me to kill the Force?




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Just one thing, about Sion resurrecting himself, it is possible: a new force power in this game is called Revitalize (or something close to it) so you can revive a fallen ally. Him being a Sith probably let's him use it on himself. But sheer willpower and disregard for pain is probably the biggest part, as C. Skye said.

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They tried to do something more than they could handle with the story. And "interpret it yourselves. You have to think" is just a bad excuse for overambitious writing because they didn't present a story that was held together, the story kind o fell apart in certain stages of it's development in-game (I can't even imagine in how many ways it fell apart in the programming bit, ouch). I am sure it looks great in the original script who ended up being bigger and grander than the 2001, Solaris and Dune series-es put together, but what made it into the actual game was just a feeble attempt at space-opera. Anyone who has read any of the series of books I mentioned know what I mean with "interpret it for yourselves" because those of any books leave you wondering what the hell you just read?


Star Wars is not a space-opera it is a really-light version of it. With the emphasis more on action-adventure than the grander motifs like - death of the known universe, or the likes, that are the drive in abovementioned operas. What KOTOR 2 wanted to do was to bring these two together. To have the grander motif of dark hopeless space-opera blended with the fun action-adventure lightness of Star Wars.


And that is an admirable goal that could have ended up being the most impressive game-storyline of all times but they couldn't pull through (maybe they would have with more time or maybe not) and ended up being just a wannabe.


Nevertheless it is a great game. It's just that it could have been so much more...

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