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Can't get EMI to run >.<


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hey. as the title says, I can not get Escape form Monkey island to run. I am using Windows 2000, and I have a ATI Radeon 7000 series video card (soon to be 9000 series as soon as I get the thing installed)... I have like a GIG of RAM, and 50 GIGS free space, so memory not a problem... if you need to know anything else to troubleshoot with, let me know.


what happens is I click the icon to get it to run, the menu comes up, I click the button to play, the screen goes black for a second, like it's getting ready to start things up, and then it just exits back to Windows with no error messages or anything.


I am also having a problem with Grim Fandango, and I think it may be related, since the two are using the same engine, and all. Now, I can get Grim to run... But after a couple minutes of playing, first the sound cuts out, then (becuase the sound cuts out I have subtitles on) then the subtitles just start piling ontop of eachother without disappearing, and it freezes up and i have to quit because it's unplayable.

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it says


"Escape from Monkey Island is already up to date.


You don't need to install this update"


I had already tried getting patches and such, (though it said that the first time, right after I had tried reinstalling it, sooooo. I got EMI on the cheap well after it's initial release, I think it came patched) tried an EMI launcher I found via links here, no go.

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