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and now CMI is busted...


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well, while waiting on some advice for Escape, decided to play through MI1+2 though ScummVS, and being thrilled that i could hear the sound once more, I figured I would give CMI a shot.


Playing CMI normally, the sound skips partway through the dialogue with Wally so badly that I have to exit the game.


tried the updated launcher. skipping persisted.


so tried ScummVS. and, well. it ain't working. It gets through the opening 'the monkeys are listening' bit, and into the first scene, (what happened to the opening movie?) Guybrush stands, turns around, then it just quits. no warning, just exits to windows. tried the Q+E version, but the same.


is there some specific settings I should be selecting, or....?


Windows 2000, pentium 4, tons of RAM, Radeon 7000 series video card, i dunno what else you all need....

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yep, it's legitimate. bought it a couple years ago used, but it's not scratched or anything, and came in the original jewel case and the CD art is there. and it worked prior to this, and i was using Windows 2000 then as well. I upgraded my computer a month ago, but my operating system stayed the same.

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first time - the hardware. all of it. (periphials like monitor, keyboard and crap aside) new hard drives, video, sound, everything. just transfered my data over straight across.


tonight (as in, JUST got it up and running again and things re-installed like half an hour ago) - upgraded to Windows XP Professional, installed new videocard, a Radeon 9600 series. (all (ok, just the videocard. XP was for my scanner) so I could play Prince of Persia, and now THAT won't launch, either...)


problem remains exactly as before with the new operating system. :p have not checked EMI yet.


*edit - w00t! EMI works now, at least. CMI still buggy as ever tho. the WEIRD part is the patched version crashes instantly. the straight install plays flawlessly. been wandering around Melee for a good half hour now and not even a glitch.


*edit#2 - looking at tech support for PoP, it says that CD burners are not good for playing the game. (sure, i go to all the trouble of getting a new videocard installed just to play it, and now it's something as simple as a CD drive hanging me up?!) I figure, if it's not good for one game, it may not be good for this one. I have a DVD/CD rewriter as my only CD drive. in my computer's former life, i had a regular CD drive in addition to other drives. I tended to just stick CD's in whatever drive was currently empty, but i suppose i may have been playing through the vanilla CD drive. don't really remember for sure. this one is kinda all in one, tho. does anyone else with a burner and/or DVD drive experience sound problems when playing through that drive?

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Have you tried playing it through scummvm or quick and easy on the new XP machine, it may have done something.


As for POP (I'm guessing Warrior Within) it shouldn't be that picky, and it's definately not because it's a CD writer, I'm running it on a CD writer and DVD drive, and on top of that, it's on a freakin laptop, and it still works fine (it said laptop graphics drivers weren't supported, but it still works).


My guess is though, that there's maybe something wrong with your computer for it to have trouble with these games which in theory should work. It's odd that it has problems with the patched version of EMI and just not let CMI work at all. Have you virus checked everything and run a spybot through your system?

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no, actually. Sands of Time. i'm one of those people that doesn't really care WHEN i get a game, if i can get it cheaper later by waiting a year, i will. they're practically giving it away now that Warrior Within has hit.


the DEMOS of both PoP games play beautifully now that i have the new videocard. I have a rewriter though, and it says right on the Ubi tech page that it's 'not reccomended' to use a rewriter to play the game. there is a copy protection measure against it.


no viruses, nothing. everything on the C drive is freshly installed, brand new. D drive is just data that i copied over, images and stuff. did a full scan before upgrading to XP though, and there was not a problem. my dad sells and maintains computers for a living, he set it up for me, it's most definitely properly set up and in working order. I am a professional artist, I need a high end machine to do my work, everything ELSE works fine, it's just these TWO programs out of everything i own.


ScummVM - same as before. Guybrush turns around then it quits.

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Well Sands of time was picky for me to, I had graphics problems with it and all, but it still ran (again on a laptop using a CD writer, you'd be hard come by to find a new PC without a CD writer on it these days).

So really, I can't think what it might be, maybe someone else knows.

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