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Quick questions [Spoilers] maybe


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I got the game for christmas and its so much fun but I have some questions

1) I read some were that you can turn your party members into jedi or a sith how do you do that?

2) And I was talking to the handmaiden and she got mad about something and now she wont talk to me is there a way to to make her talk to me again?

3) And last once you go to telos the last time and then you head to malachor 5 or how ever you spell is there a way to leave so you could go back to planets or are you stuck there?

thanks in advance :)

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1. Talk to them a ot and take them with you. You must gain an extremely high influence or extremely low influence with them to talk about it.


2. I never could get her to talk to me again. Jealous women suck. There's plenty of Exile for all! :cool:


3. Once you're at Malachor V, you're there for good. :)


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