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The accion from the gunner's chair.

Guest Morfeo

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Guest Morfeo

Hello XWA fans!


This is my first post here, so hello to everyone!


I guess I am here to talk about my only gripe, to this otherwise perfect game. Its seems that it is of little consern to most people. I have yet to see fans taking about gun turrets and thats not good news for me ;-|. It turns out that the addicion of manning turrets was of GREAT interest to me, unlike most people in here (I think).


I happen to LOVE ship with gun turrets.


First the good news. Controlling turrets from the pilot's chair is well done and is of value in combat. You have 3 options. Link your turrets with your cockpit mounted weapons, auto-target current target, and defence mode. These 3 options provide an answer to quite posibly almost any combat situacion. My favorite in the auto target command but the defence mode can work just as well.


The bad news is that there is no reason to man a turret (unless you what to become a space flying punching bag) when you have exellent control of them from the pilot's chair. You only have one option when you are a gunner, and that is to put your ship to track your currently selected target an keep it withing range. Please tell me theres more!


When I first used a turret I notice an increased rate of fire (?), in addicion to the now well known fact that they require NO energy to fire.


My suggestion on this is to give the same options that were given to the pilot, to the gunner as well in addicion to the one that you have. Having a auto fire option will instruct the pilot and remaining gunner to kick butt on your selected target! Similary the defence mode will intruct the pilot and remaining gunner to attack any fighter attacking you. I believe these two options will give the player reason to experience the battle from the gunner's perspective, which was what I was hoping for.


I then discovered that you cant use then in multi-player like it was adverticed.


Since I patch from LucasArts for this game is very slim (I think), is there a fan created patch of some sort that deals with this situasion???


XvT veterans may be aware that they have the option (unlike earlier X-Wing games including XWA, huh?) to give your own ship to the AI (your ship will move and fight, ect) while you viuw the now real-time in-flight map. Seeing this on XvT gave me the idea that the same concept was going to be given to the gunner in XWA. Hence my dissapointment when it was not.


I suspect however (once again, I think) that tring to upgrade/MOB this, might be dificult, when considering the game's engine. I am aware that an attempt was given to make turrets operacional in multi-player but it failed...


Any informacion, comments, or suggestions on this will be apreciated!


Thanks in advance.



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Guest paulbarnard

Are you sure you can't use the turret's like follow/defensive modes in multiplayer? I use them all the time. Although I haven't flown my Cort recently cuz i'm training all my Fighter pilots. You may have the fire linked to forward, so press "X" to see if that allows defensive/auto guns.


But i love sitting up in the turret. Especially when outnumbered by more than 5:1 odds. (it's too easy when you use auto fire).


If you're interested in a group that flies corts check us out--info below. We have a wide variety there for you to use(sorry for the recruiting plug in the forrum).



Paul Barnard

aka Bad Monkey

Knight Watch Shipping Corporation



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Guest Morfeo

Hello there!


Thanks for the reply...


What I meant about not being able to man turrets in multi-player, was that if you(player) chose to fly a CORT, you can not have another human player to man a turret.

It was said, before the game was out, that that can be done.

I find it curious, if a have several fighters attacking me, I will stay on the ****pit. Manning a turret is suicide! When you man a turret, the other turret and the ****pit mounted weapons cease fire. You lost a lot of firepower as well as maneuvering capabilities. Theres no logic in manning a turret...other that for the entertaiment value.


I hope that one day same options that the pilot has, where made avaliable for the gunner...I hope, I hope...


I have checked you site. I had no idea that a site esisted just for the transports!



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Guest Thrawn

I've used it before, and it's ok, as long as the piolit keeps the ship still and straight and just worries about the sheilds.



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Morfeo



True, I am aware of this upgrade that is avaliable here for the turrets in multiplayer, but I never tried it. I heard that it didint work well.



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That patch works - but barely. The pilot must keep the ship straight at all times!! Not very useful for MP games, is it? I thought it was a lag prob but I tested with a friend in the area who, like myself, is on a cable modem - same problem.


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  • 5 months later...

Originally posted by paulbarnard:

There's a patch. I believe it may even be downloadable from this site that does allow one player in the touret. All players must have the patch for it to work. Don't have it, though. But i know it's out there.



I tried to get it from the downloads section, but it was a broken link. Any other places I can try?



I'm new at this. Bear with me if my questions are odd...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ze Ayatolahawk of Anarchy

I dont exactly love gun turrets, but they are extremely useful, because you can have them auto shoot at a target, defence or link. And it doesn't drain energy from your laser thingy does it? i dont think so. So, yeah here is my opinion.



Ze Ayatolahawk of Anarchy

Never kick sumbodies ass unless you are sure there are a thousand more benefits apart from having the benefit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Andromachos

Hello friends of XWA.


I try to play the 'Multi-Crew

Option' for Gunner postions in XWA skirmish mode. By changing the

shiplist.txt -file, that i load from

'http://www.xwingalliance.com/'-Download-Section (i put it to this email

as a attachment), but i have no success and i do not know why.

I have update my SWA from 1.0 to 2.2, but maybe i need a 'craft patch'


And if is so, where i found it or better what make i wrong?


Please help me,

thank you.

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Turret firing is fun, but the laser aren't that strong compare to the ones on the X-Wing and TIE Fighter. Unless it's just my imagination. The firing rate makes up for it though. I remember downloading a new sound which make the turrets sound like the movies (I'm still looking for a good X-Wing laser sound. Best one I found so far is from Ace Antilles, but it can be better.). I do wish the target system in the turret was more interactive like the movies.

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Guest Aderacan

You can control the ship from the gun turret. Just press the joystick button you usually use for rolling your ship.


There is an increased rate of fire when a human player controls the turret. I think this happens because the AI has a fixed rate of fire, which depends on the AI level. You may experiment with the AI setting and test, if you can change the rof with that.


The turret lasers have not the same strength as a full-charged (Rebel) laser. A TIE Fighter hit by on shot will have a hull status of:


50% if hit by the turret

33% if hit by a full-charged laser (Rebel fighter or transport)

66% if hit by half-charged laser


This still depends a little bit from the distance you scored the hit, so the values can differ by some %.


For MultiCrew I can only agree that you need a fast connestion and the pilot should fly almost straight. If not, the gunner can barely hit a target.



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