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Calamari Cruiser Names

Guest Expert Rookie

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Guest Expert Rookie

Again feel free to add more names although I think there's not much more than this...



A cruiser destroyed while attempting to aid the stricken Rebel Nebulon-B Frigate Inamo. (Game notation "CRS.") [TIE Fighter, TIE Avenger Mission 2]



A smaller ship of the same name destroyed in an Imperial ambush of a Rebel supply depot ("CRL" in game notation). [TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor Mission 2]



Cruiser in X-Wing computer game, served as the Calamarian flagship at around the time of the Battle of Yavin. Possibly the same as

Home One [speculative, unconfirmed]. Possibly Ackbar's personal ship, distinct from Home One, as explained in The Truce at bakura.



[From X-Wing computer game collector's edition CD.]



("CRS") Participated in a failed attempt to rescue Bothan prisoners from the Dreadnaught Dargon in the Yllotat system. [TIE Fighter, Battle 12, Mission 1]



Admiral Ackbar's flagship during the events surrounding the Battle of Calamari. It was the first ship in built according to the MC90 design.



[From X-Wing computer game.]


Galactic Voyager

Supposedly the second MC90 constructed, but its illustration [p.133 The Jedi Academy Sourcebook] has little resemblance to Defiance. It is another cigar-shaped ship, but has a pointed stern rather than the MC90's blunt stern. This ship carried out reconnaissance missions to into the Deep Core in the year following the defeat of the mad clones of Palpatine.


Home One

Flagship of Admiral Ackbar during the Battle of Endor. Over two miles long, and possibily the largest known Calamarian warship.



Ackbar's vessel at the Battle of Endor according to the X-Wing: Alliance computer game, but this presents a discontinuity because this Independence was very much smaller than the canonical Home One. This aspect of the game should be considered part of an "alternative universe" conflicting with the movies. Or perhaps Independence was Ackbar's personal ship, to which he reverted after the Battle of Endor, in The Truce at Bakura?



("CRS") Was destroyed with two accompanying Strike Cruisers near a deep space TIE Defender facility by ISD Grey Wolf. [TIE Fighter, Battle 10, Mission 6]



Winged cruiser which was the first Alliance warship destroyed by the Death Star II.



("CRS") A cruiser carrying Admiral Ackbar participating in a military summit in the Delfii system, shortly before the Battle of Endor [TIE Fighter, Battle 12, Mission 6].



[From TIE Fighter computer game.]



("CRL") Rendez-voused with the renegade Admiral Harkov near the Parmic system at the beginning of Harkov's defection to the Alliance [TIE Fighter, Battle 7, Mission 1].



[From X-Wing computer game; also present at the Battle of Endor in X-Wing: Alliance.]



[From X-Wing computer game.]


Mon Delindo

a cruiser belonging to the Mon Remonda in Han Solo's campaign against Warlord Zsinj. [X-Wing: Solo Command]


Mon Karren

a cruiser belonging to the Mon Remonda in Han Solo's campaign against Warlord Zsinj. A ship of "more normal strength". [X-Wing: Solo Command, p.25]


Mon Remonda

MC80B released 1.5 years post-Endor; participated in campaigns to capture Coruscant and eliminate Warlord Zsinj. Destroyed at Second Battle of Calamari by World Devastator Silencer-7.



MC80a crusier used in the evacuation of worlds threatened by the Starbuster Plot in the Corellian sector fourteen years after the Battle of Endor. Captain Genkal commanding. Severed as a base for Rogue Squadron around the time of the evacuations.



Flagship of a New Republic taskforce which lost an engagement in the Qat Chrystac system. After heavy losses the taskforce commander, Senator Bel Iblis, ordered a retreat, leaving the system in the hands of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Seems to be Liberty type. Severed as a base for Rogue Squadron around the time of the evacuations.


Ossus Day

This ("CRS") cruiser interfered in an Imperial operation to destroy three Rebel supply platforms. The cruiser was destroyed following inertial space bomb attacks by TIE Bombers launched from the Imperial Nebulon-B Frigate Implacable. [TIE Fighter, TIE Bomber Mission 2]


Reef Home

A cruiser at Endor that cleared booby-trapped probot pods from the system after the battle. Named after a floating city on the Mon Calamari homeworld. [The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook]


Silent Water

Flagship of Rebel Alliance tactician Adar Tallon during the Battle of Heterkus, which was sometime between the Battles of Yavin and Endor. Tallon's fleet fought three Imperial star destroyers that were bombarding rebel facilities on the planet, along with civilian cities suspected of being sympathetic to the Alliance. Since this vessel was active in the pre-Endor period, it is likely to belong to one of the classes seen at Endor.



Partially-built ship of MC90 design destroyed during the attack on rogue Imperial Admiral Daala upon the Calamarian shipyards.



MC80a [from one of the Zahn novels.]


A cruiser that sends out transports to take cargo from a container in an asteroid field in Bonus Historical Mission 1 of X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM.



("CRS") A companion of Lutdze at the summit at Delfii.



("CRL") Destroyed in the Ottega system while attempting to aid the traitor Admiral Harkov's flagship, Victory-class Star Destroyer Protector. [TIE Fighter, Battle 7, Missions 1, 2, and 3].



Calamarian cruiser of unknown design, captained by a Mon Calamarian named Commander Elpfel.



Onetime flagship of General Wedge Antilles.




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I don't think that Yavin was a Calamari Cruiser, instead a Frigate




Home One is Acbars personal ship, it wasn't featured in XWA because they only had two types of Mon Cals. More likely they just made a mistake.




"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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