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Those Damn Kath Hounds! *Possible Spoilers*


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OK, i'm having a tough time where I am at. I am currently using Mira when she fights the Wookie Bounty Hunter and then afterwards that squid dude releases a bunch of Kath Hounds....I keep ending up with low life and I can't seem to fend them off. I equipped Mira with two vibroblades since I thought it would be easier to use at the moment, any advice on handling this section of the game?

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Try to attack them from a far, if lobbed a few grenades and then finished them off with melee weapons. The key is to not get surrounded. Also if the mines are still in the arena, I had the Kath hounds chase me and ran them into the mines which helped as well. Also you can go to the start menu and use medipacs, which pauses the action and allows you to heal.


Also equip the best armor and shields you have

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Another helpful hint or two:


1. I always leave a few good items unequipped so that Mira can use them (armor, fully upgraded blaster of some sort, implant, gloves). Also, make sure to leave her some Stealth equipment so that....



When you're done, you should be able to use stealth to get by a few Ubese. Worst case you just high-tail it to the exit. Be sure not to explore much, just head right for the exit. I kept getting my butt kicked trying to navigate through with Mira until I realized the exit is only 2 or 3 rooms away from the arena. Then let your PC come in and slap the Ubese around. :D


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Well, if you end up with low life fighting the Wookie, maybe you should start there.


I found the easiest way to beat him, since he is slower the Mira and also pauses to attack (assuming he misses) get him so he has to run over every mine, then after that a few grenades or rockets should do the trick.


For the Kathhounds just try to poison them, and keep moving using grenades when you have the opertune moment.


Hope this helps.

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Originally posted by Darth Meh

I found the easiest way to beat him, since he is slower the Mira and also pauses to attack (assuming he misses) get him so he has to run over every mine, then after that a few grenades or rockets should do the trick.


Yep, run through the mines, and the wookiee will follow you through, if you lead him through all of them, he should be around half-health and be poisoned. (Run him through the gas mines last.) Then you should be able to take him down with a vibroblade.

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