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i sorta got a redefinition of what the different classes of jedi really are... sorta refreshing. cloaked, cryptic jedi concular(sp) who has little real use for her eye site any longer. The dedicated warriors of both light and dark. And the sentinals... but look at that, i'm off on a rant again. I'm sorry

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Kreia is likely the most enjoyable character in KOTOR II, although she isn't of the "charismatic kind", I kinda felt like having Kreia in your party

was like hanging around with Palpatine, you know, whispering in your ear all the time, trying to manipulate you; from the very beginning in the game, it's obvious she's form the darkside;

spoiler tags added by Darth333

but although I knew this, I felt very comfortable with her, I think she is the only character in ypour party who really knows what is doing and what does she wants; and she is the most sincere (in her feelings) with you; I think is my faorite character in The Sith Lords; but I would have been delighted if I had knew more of her past; becuse I was lightside the firsttime; let's see how she reacts to my bad female.... :D





What I understood, is that the Sith names (Traya, Nihilus, Sion) are given from the technique you learn as a Sith; but later on Kreia talks of Atris's corruption, and wahts she says is maybe suggesting that the title "Traya" was given to Atris... (because there must always be a Traya, so Atris is Traya.... for a moment...)[


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