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Can't See Old Game Saves in KOTOR 2


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Hi, after beating Kotor 2 once, i began a new game and saved it. Except I found that the saves i had from the previous game can no longer be seen when kotor 2 asks which save to load. But, when i check what gamesaves i have through the xbox dashboard, i can see that the previous saves still exist. If i delete the saves from the 2nd game i started, then the saves from my previous game reappear. Is this supposed to happen? or has anyone else had this happen to them? BTW I don't have a modded xbox and im using a retail version of KOTOR 2.

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No... when you go to load a game press "X" and you can scroll through your different characters saves, and load the one of your choice.


You cannot save in other characters slots, they are devided by character so as to prevent this... very cool feature IMHO.


The only shared save slot is the "autosave" slot.



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