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is this a glitch???

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

I finally beat that level with the hurrim, now I'm on a pretty fun family mission, it's the one where you have to rescue emon. I pick up the bomb canister, and then hyperspace to the nav buoy where I'm supossed to, and I release it (shift+r) 1.5 clicks from the base, and EVERY time, the base ends up getting destroyed, i even tried dropping the canister 3 clicks away, and the base STILL gets destroyed. What is going on??!?!?!?!?! I got the patch installed too.


Is it because I'm attacking the base's defenses (those mine-type things) and they miss me and end up hitting the base instead????


I know I'd have beaten it by now if only the stinkin base didn't get destroyed EVERY time.



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Um... didn't you read the breifing? THe base is SUPPOSE to blow up once the Tug comes over and unloads it.


here is a walkthruogh


After you made the pick-up head for the base where Emon is located. Move in drop the cargo between 1 and 1,5 clicks from the base. Don't be alerted by the presence of the T/F's or G/P's, they won't attack until the bomb has exploded. Once the bomb explodes engage every craft that poses a threat to the MUTR. These will be the TIE's and the G/P's in the beginning and later on some GUN's. You can take the SPC out in your spare time.


Most of your adversaries are a lot weaker than the Otana, so you shouldn't experience any problems. If you do, change your dogfighting tactics with the Otana.


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Guest Rogue15

i found out what i was doing. I wasn't supossed ot destroy those mines that protect the base, if i shoot them, the base blows, if i ignore them, the tug comes, picks up the bomb, and ther guy docks with the platform. Now here's the real glitch that's sorta funny:


Once you've rescued emon, hyper back to the junkyard, it'll go from victory to failed, it says the bomb blew up too early in the mission! I accidentally hyperspaced, i was trying to enter the hangar from the tractor beam, and the nav buoy was nearby, and they took me to the junkyard.



I'm fine now though, i've beaten that level, plus a few more (figured out that you HAVE to cover dunari's flank when he's in that yaught being fired upon by the isd)

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